Weakness (17)

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Story is going amazingly at the moment so keep it up and comment as much as possible! I am greedy for votes so don't hesitate! ;) Hope you enjoy the chapter and tried to indent but alas, my computer gets confused quite easily it seems! I will be doing some chapters (2 or 3) on their training.

Thanks! Enjoy!


I entered the kitchen with Vincent and took a seat in between Yannis and Leah, remaining silent as plates where passed around the table.

The strong smells of a pepper and spices lingered in the air making my stomach rumble loudly as the others in my company chatted easily. The group of us has grown to add another two woman and three more men, adding on Vincent and the doctor.

I observed them discreetly, taking my time to take their features in.

One of the two women was an older person with grey wispy hair, unusually dark tanned skin and shining hazel coloured eyes. She stood tall with a fine proud look about her as she watched the other woman fill the plates and pass them around.

The other was a lot shorter and probably the same age as Monique with frizzy red hair, a freckled face and eyes of a dull moss-like colour. She looked like the quiet of type of person though there was a clear smile stretched on her face as she filled the plates.

The three new men were seated with Axel and David talking loudly amongst them, laughing occasionally as the two brothers entertained them. The first seemed to be the oldest, looking to be in his late twenties, maybe even early thirties and has neatly cut brown hair and grey eyes. There was a large scar on his forearm and a bandage was wrapped tightly around his left hand. The second looked to be around Nathan’s age with a darker shade of brown, close to black and greyish blue eyes. He was incredibly muscled and the veins in his arms stood out clearly. Finally, my eyes landed on a small man with a greasy face, oily black hair and an ugly face, a face I recognized.

As my eyes widened, the man glanced up, feeling my stare, and glared at me venomously.

“Monique?” Nathan asked as I flinched under the man’s gaze.

I turned to stare into his bright green eyes and smiled mentally at the comfort his warm grin gave me.

“Yeah?” I asked quietly, almost shyly.  

“Your plate,” he said, his eyes twinkling.

I blushed when I realised Yannis was patiently holding a plate for me, turning a deeper red at the smirk on Yannis’ face.

“Sorry!” I said quickly taking the plate.

I put it down and peered at the substance which was my meal.

It appeared to be some type of stew, mainly potato and carrot by the looks of it, and had lumps of meet bathing in a dirty brown sauce.

I pushed back the grimace, telling myself to be more grateful before picking up my fork and taking a bite.

It was edible was my later conclusion as I finished off the meal, listening to the easy talk of the others. The potatoes were mushy and flavourless, the carrots were hard with barely a trace of flavour and the meat, as the cook informed us was pheasant, fell apart and had a dry taste to it.

It could be worse I thought but it didn’t help when all you could think about was the good pizza place down the road from my apartment in my dimension.

Sipping on my glass of water, I listened to their talking, not really taking it in.

I woke from my day dream only when someone hit their glass with their spoon and rose, making everybody go silent.

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