A Bad Idea

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This is such a bad idea, Nicky thought to herself as she stepped out of the car. She plopped a black hat on her head and pulled a black hoodie over that before slipping on a pair of oversized sunglasses.

"Would you stop?" Keeley asked. "We're going to get patted down and searched for weapons if you keep acting so sketchy."

Nicky looked over to the football field where Crosswell was doing their pre-game warm-ups. "We shouldn't be here. We'll be shunned if people find out."

"Edgewood isn't even playing. No one will know."

"This is the digital age, Keeley. Everyone knows."

"I promised Talon I would come."

"You can always say you came."

"Lying? Really, Nicky? I thought you were better than this."

"It's not something I normally endorse, but in this case, I'll make an exception. Zach may be okay with you dating Talon now, but coming to Talon's games? A different story." Zach tried to hide it but he hated how interested Keeley was in Talon's games when she never showed the same interest in Zach's.

"That may be the case, but I'm not going to lie to him."

"Who's lying to who?" a voice asked behind them.

"Gavin!" Keeley cried, running over to hug him. "What are you doing here?"


"Are you here with your parents?"


That's when Nicky noticed the camera in his hand. He was also wearing a huge black coat with black pants and a black beanie. "I think he's here for something else or rather someone else."

"What?" Keeley asked, her nose wrinkling. But then she took a step back and really looked at him. Her brows rose. "What's going on, Gavin?"

"Your brother wants me to record the game." He looked absolutely miserable.

"Does Talon know?"

His gaze dropped to the ground and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Not exactly."

Keeley put her hands on her hips, looking very much like a disapproving mother. "Gavin..."

"I can't tell him! You know he'll be pissed and do something to get back at Zach."

"Does Zach still not know you're Talon's cousin?" Nicky asked.

"He doesn't have a clue."

Nicky gave a low whistle.

"I know," Gavin admitted in a low groan.

"How do you plan on keeping this a secret from Talon?" Keeley asked, motioning to his camera.

Gavin sent her a sheepish look. "Hide under the bleachers and record from there."

Keeley looked over her shoulder to the field, then back to Gavin. She held out her hand, palm up. "Give it to me. We'll do it."

"I don't want you to get in trouble," he protested, even though he was already handing the camera over.

"I won't."

"You won't?" Nicky asked.

Keeley patted her arm. "I won't because you'll be the one doing the recording," she said with a cheeky grin.

"No. Absolutely not. I'm not getting involved in this stupid rivalry."

"Please," Keeley begged.

"Yeah, please," Gavin joined in. Both stuck out their lower lip and gave her a pleading look.

"Fine," she grumbled, snatching the camera. "But if either Talon or Zach get on my case, I'm blaming you two."

"You're the best," Keeley beamed.

"I expect to be compensated," she said, jabbing her finger. "By both of you." If she was going to get in trouble with those idiots, she might as well do it with a stack of cookies.

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