Dancing the Night Away Part 3

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"I'm so tired," Keeley told Talon, her head resting against his chest. They'd been dancing for twenty-one hours, and her feet were killing her. "Can't we stop?"

Talon, who was busy glaring at Zach, said, "We're not quitters."

"It's not quitting." She glanced longingly at Nicky who was sitting on the side with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. "I just want to enjoy the event."

"You can enjoy it after we win."

She groaned, "But Talon—"

"Baby doll, if your feet hurt just take off your shoes."

She lifted her head and glared at him. "My shoes are off." She kicked them to the side six hours ago. Not only were her feet covered in blisters, and her lower back hurting, but there was a kink in her neck the size of a baseball. She was ready to sit down and sip on hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, damn it!

However, Talon wasn't listening. His attention was already back on Zach who was also glaring at him. "Let's move closer and do a twirl," Talon whispered. "Maybe it'll throw him off his game, and he'll stumble and be disqualified."

"That's cheating."

"It's strategy. Come on, don't you want to win the trophy?"

"Not really," she answered. The trophy was a ten-inch statue she'd spray-painted gold.

"Yes, you do. Just think you'll have eternal bragging rights over your brother."

"I'm ten minutes older than him. I already have eternal bragging rights."

Suddenly, an older couple who was friends with Shawn and Van left the floor. The radio DJ announced, "And now we're down to six couples. I repeat six couples left."

Zach and his partner brushed by. He leaned over and whispered, "Just give up already, Harrington. You know you're going to lose. That trophy is mine."

Talon's eyes darkened. "I don't think so. You're slowing down. Don't think I didn't notice you chugging that coffee. You're fading, and you know it. But don't worry, when we win the trophy, we'll let you hold it."

This was getting ridiculous! Both of them were acting like the trophy was a Super Bowl ring. She'd gotten it for five bucks at the thrift store!

"That's quite the imagination you have," Zach replied, a smirk on his face. "But you may want to get yourself checked out. I heard delusions are a sign of a deteriorating brain."

Talon's grip on Keeley's waist tightened. "We'll see if you're so smug in three hours."

"I guess we will." Then Zach whisked his partner away.

Keeley looked over Talon's shoulder and shared a commiserative look with the girl. It was going to be a loooong three hours.

 It was going to be a loooong three hours

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