Peep-O-Rama Contest Part I

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"Wait!" Talon cried. He plucked the Peep out of Keeley's fingers. "It goes here." He pointed to a spot on the cardboard. Last month, they decided to sign up for the regional Peeps Diorama contest. First place would move on to the state finals which could lead to the national contest held in Washington DC. To say Talon was fired up was an understatement.

"That's where I put it," Keeley protested.

"Noooo. You put it here." He pointed a centimeter over. "Do you see the difference?"

Sighing, Keeley glanced at Zach who sat on the opposite side of the table working on his homework. He'd piled a stack of books in front of him insisting it was his version of The Great Wall of China. "To keep out the enemy," he explained, glaring at Talon.

"Zach..." Keeley whined. Maybe he would back her up and tell Talon he was being ridiculous.

"Don't expect any sympathy from me," Zach said, turning a page in his history book. "You're the one who agreed to this harebrained scheme."

Talon grabbed her shoulders and whipped her around. Looking her straight in the eyes, he said, "This is no time to falter. We need to stick to the plan if we're going to win. Can I count on you?"

Keeley patted his cheek. "You're lucky you're so cute."

Zach made a noise of disgust. "Only you would fall for such a weirdo."

Talon smirked. "I wouldn't be talking Ensign Brewer of the USS Enterprise."

Zach's head whipped up, eyes flashing. "You told him?!"

A sheepish shrug. She'd been mad at Zach for stealing the car keys again and it might have slipped out that Zach had signed up for a Star Trek role playing game. "I made him promise not to tell anyone though. Right, Talon?" When he didn't say anything, she slapped his stomach. "Right, Talon?"

He put his hand on her waist. "As long as he doesn't take the car when you're supposed to meet me again."

Zach scowled. "Really, Keeley? That's your price for betrayal?"

"You knew I was going to dinner with him!"

"So what? There's a code! A twin code that you should never break!"

"We made that when we were five!"

"Now, now. No fighting kids," Talon said, grabbing a Peep off the table. "We have more important things to do like assemble a diorama. Less than 72 hours before the contest. Chop, chop!"

"Aren't they going to go bad in 72 hours?" Zach asked.

"Peeps are made of stronger stuff. They're practically indestructible," Talon boasted, popping one in his mouth. Then he reached for three more.

"You could do so much better, Keels," Zach sighed, shaking his head. 

She looked up at Talon who was trying to swallow while grabbing more. "I know."

Talon growled then started pelting her with Peeps. "Traitor!" He pulled the back of her shirt and started dumping Peeps in.

Squealing, she caught one of the belt loops on his jeans. Tugging, she made enough room to shove a handful of Peeps down his pants. That's when Talon smashed his hand against her back, grinding the sugary treat into her skin.

"You are so dead!" she yelled, pulling her hand back, ready to follow suit.

"You wouldn't," Talon said, fending her off with one hand and the other protecting his ass.

"Wouldn't I?" she said with an evil glint.

Exasperated, Zach grabbed his books and stood. "Never thought I'd feel bad for Peeps, but here we are."

"Help me," Talon cried as Keeley winded her hand back and gave him a good whack.

Zach just shook his head. "Pathetic."

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