Chapter Three.

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* DeSean in MM*

Desean POV

I watched her walk away and I knew she was my target at least for this month I liked the way that she tried putting up a fight but if there is one thing about D Jack it's he doesn't give up before its all said and done little miss independent will be mine.

" De let's go bruh stop drooling and pick up your lip" my nigga B called for me snapping me outta my daze

" Ain't nobody drooling nigga I was just making sure she knew her way back fuck you " he laughed and I caught up to them getting in the car

" Speaking of drooling watch your eyes and hands to with Leeyah that's my lil cousin I'll fuck you up over her homies or not understood !"

" DE why do you have to be so embarrassing oh my god." She beamed a bright red color but I didn't care B was my Bestfriend I knew what type of nigga he was and I wasn't having that not with my family

We pulled up to the spot and it was always poppn as usual I seen a few new little cute faces all the freshie fresh meat this was going to be a good year. We sat down and our regular table B and Leeah sat next to each other leaving me alone on the opposite side of the booth.  We ordered our food and while we waited one of the girls I used to kick it with last year walked over to the table she leaned over the table and smiled all in my face

" Well hello mr Jackson it's been a long summer without you" she bit her bottom lip and moved her hair behind her ears

" Wassup Ma yeah it has been a long summer " I looked her up and down " Looks like the summer was good to you though "

I was feeding into her bullshit only because I knew she was easy and I could get what I wanted from her no problems.

" Thank You Daddy it was even better to my tan you should see what it's like under all these clothes."

Aaleeyah made a gagging sound and Keisha cut her eyes at her

" Wassup B who's daughter are you babysitting tonight ?"

I knew Leeyah was a hot head so I cut in before she even had the chance

" That's my cousin Aaleeyah she a freshman here now so play nice Kei."

She straightened her face up real quick and extended her hand out for Leeyah to shake it

" Nice to meet you Aaleeyah I'm Keisha"

" Contestant number 1 it's nice to meet you too."

I chuckled and sat back in the booth she wasn't gonna make this easy Kei ignored her and sat down in the booth next too me , she leaned over and whispered into my ear while biting my earlobe gentle my she wasn't waisting no time what she didn't know was i would take her in the bathroom and fuck her on the spot if she kept playing. Our food finally came to the table and we started eating Leeyah had to pee and as soon as she stepped away her phone rang , I looked over and it said Kay so I took it upon myself to answer the phone.

" Wassup Miss Independent ?"
" Desean where is Leeyah I need to ask her something."
" She had to use the bathroom anything I can help wit ?"
" Can you just tell her to bring me something off the menu so I don't starve"
" See should've come with us you wouldn't be hungry no worries though baby girl De Jack is gonna bring you the best meal off the menu"

She scoffed and hung up the phone it's okay I'll wear her down soon enough. Leeyah came back and I put her phone down

" Why did you answer my phone who was that ?"

" It was Kayla she's hungry I told her I would bring her something damn "

" Lol mmhm I bet you will bring her something"

Keisha cut her eyes at me " Who Is Kayla ?"

" She's my roommate calms down feline she's not interested in Desean don't worry."

" No hold on Kei you not my girl so I don't have to explain shit to you honestly , but since you feeling yourself tonight go and find some one else to kiss on"

She stood up and walked away from the table pissed off I looked over at Leeyah who was laughing

" Lee I'm telling you now you gotta cut that shit out okay."

" Whatever she started it but okay De I'll find my
Chill " she looked at B and smiled

We finished eating kicked it with a couple people for a little bit I ordered Kayla her food and then we headed back to campus , Leeyah fell asleep on the way so I texted Kayla from her phone and asked for the room number. B carried her inside and I knocked on the door lightly , B laid Leeyah down in her bed and stepped off I handed Kayla her food

" Thank you I appreciate that , did you guys get her drunk or something ?"

" Kayla she's my cousin I wouldn't do no fuck boy shit like that "

She giggled and her smile was beautiful

" I know I was just joking calm down thank you again for bringing me food and bringing her back in one piece."

" Don't mention it Miss Independent I'll see you around."

She smiled and closed the door behind her she was different I could tell she was a little good girl who wasn't used to men like me she had a jersey on when she opened the door so she must got a nigga back home but that don't mean nothing either cause he not here and she gonna get lonely and when she does De Jack will be there waiting with open arms.

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