Chapter Eight.

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* Desean in MM*

{ Desean POV }

" No stop I'm being serious what are we doing you are just playing around with me because it's fun cause I'm a freshman I get wrapped up in you and then you drop me like a bad habit what is even the point ? I have a man who loves me but I'm angry because some girl I don't know is smiling in your face and it's confusing as fuck and I don't like it ! I have to stay away from you Desean you are bad for me and that is obviously clear to me now."

She stood up to walk away from me and I grabbed her arm , she looked back at me looked like she was holding back tears.

" Kayla tell me what you are so afraid of  every time you say something to me about what we are " doing " you run before I can give you an answer so tell me what are you scared of ? That I might not answer the question the way you want ? Or that I might say exactly what you want to hear ?"

Her eyes dropped to my hand holding her arm I guess she wanted me to let it go, so I did I dropped her arm and she looked me dead inn my eyes.

" You want to know what I am scared of ? You Desean you scare the shit out of me , I've openly made out with you multiple times ; I slept in the same bed with you half naked and I have a boyfriend ! The worst part of it all is I wouldn't change anyone of it if I could and that's bad ! I have to stay away from you De"

She walked out of the diner I didn't know if she thought I was going to chase her but that's not something that I do, I won't chase her there are WAY to many other girls that want the attention she's getting I am not going through that with Kayla, but part of me wanted to chase her and tell her that she was it she was all I wanted but it was clear to me she was hung up on ol dude and was I the settling down type ? Not really.

The Game ChangerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ