Chapter Sixteen

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[ Leeyah in MM ]

{ Leeyah POV }

I wanted to run after Kayla but I needed to confront Jacc for his bullshit first , I walked back into the bar and the waitress was still over there I stepped to the table and pushed her out of the way, she looked at me and started to say something but I looked at her like bitch don't try it and she walked away. Brandon looked at me and opened his mouth but he chose not to say anything either.

" Where is Smalls ?" I looked at Jacc  and pushed him in his head

" She left because this dummy here is flirting all in that bitch over there face while Kayla is right outside and she caught him so she left , why Jacc why can't you see something good when it's right in front of you tell me ?"

He looked at me and didn't say anything because he knew he was wrong what could he say anyway you flip it he was wrong.

" If you were just going to play games with her you should have left her alone, i saw the message you sent her about not being able to just be her friend what was that some fucking line to get what you wanted from her ?"

" Leeyah first of all chill you act like I was the one who called her over last night she came to my crib I didn't go find her ! Second of all I didn't make any promises to Kayla so what you tripping for?"

She looked over at Brandon " Babe lets go now ! Before I fucking hurt him I don't want to even look at him right now he makes me sick " I grabbed my bags and B stood up I started walking away and they dapped each other up and said their goodbyes. Jacc looked at me and I rolled my eyes he really pissed me off. Brandon walked over to me and grabbed my hand we walked out the diner, I wanted to know his thoughts on this whole situation.

" Babe tell me I'm wrong for blowing up on him if that's what you think." he hesitated to answer my question I guess he needed to think about his answer.

" I mean babe listen I don't think that what he did was right at all but we all know how he is, and he was right he didn't make any promises or commitments to Kayla but he didn't have to do it right in front of her face but that's how Jacc is and you know that."

" But why say he can't just be her friend if he is going to keep doing the same stupid shit, why lay up with her and smile in her face and call her babe and shit just so he can keep doing stupid shit"

" Bae I ain't Jacc I can't tell you why he does the things he does, you would nee to ask him that question, but look I mean I know this off topic but a nigga is hungry you made me leave before I could eat."

I looked at him and I couldn't help but laugh, he was right though that was the whole purpose of going to the diner in the first place, so we stopped by Mc Donalds on the way back to the dorms. I got Kay some food, when we got in the room she was laying in her bed listening to music and writing something , Brandon sat at the end of her bed and I sat at the head of the bed with her. She looked back and forth between the both of us and laughed.

" What do you two want? You need me to leave so y'all can have alone time or what why you sitting here looking at me crazy."

" Tell us what's up Smalls don't give us that tough girl act we know it's not you it was a good try but it won't work, and I can see in your eyes that you know a happy little smalls like normal so tell me what's wrong."

" Your best friend is what's wrong with me B he plays too many games and I don't wanna be apart of the game."

" He's an asshole Kay and I promise you Brandon you ever act like him and that's it for us." I looked at him and he rolled his eyes

" We both know that me and Jacc are two different type of niggas he's my boy but I don't handle shit the way he does. I wouldn't do nothing like that too you for one Jacc and the rest of your family would fuck me up and two I care about you too much"

I smiled and leaned over and kissed him he kissed me back and smiled he really was amazing I was so lucky. Kayla climbed out of the bed and put her shoes on

" Okay so y'all are getting to mushy for me I am going to just excuse myself. " she grabbed her phone and walked out of the door . When she opened the door Jacc was standing there.

The Game ChangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora