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His body sours through the trees one crisp winters day as he chased after a titan. His eyes burned with rage,again he lost a comrade and he couldn't do nothing to help him. The only thing he could do,was kill the bastard that took his life away like it was nothing. As he inches close to the hideous beast he hears...a wail.

"The hell? "He whips around the creatures head to get a closer look.

There caught in between the titans teeth large teeth was a baby?! It rock's back and forth violently as the creature continues to run,the blanket it in begins to rip.

"I'm sorry. "Eren whispers to himself. He sheathed his weapons and bolts for the falling babe.

The titan notices and tries to whip him away lime a annoying fly. Eren catches the child in time before the beast's back hand could send him flying. Hurriedly, Eren flies in the opposite direction with baby in tow so the creature would catch up with them.

Once in a high and safe distance, Eren checks on the still wailing babe. Blood covered the babies body from head to toe but it wasn't from him,no it was from the meals of the titan. Luckly wasn't harmed only scared and cold.

"Shh, it's okay. "Eren cooed. "You're okay, it's okay, shh. "

It doesn't work. Looking around to conform no one was around, Eren tucks the babe in his cloak and rocks him gently. His voice, like wind chimes, flowed through the air as he sings a warm melody his mother used to ding to him. The baby calms down and soon falls asleep.

"There we go." Eren smiles.

Suddenly the retreat signal shoots up in the sky alerting Eren it was time to go. Carefully,the teen holds the baby close to his chest with one hand and tries to swing back to his squadron.

Minutes later he was reunited with his squadron but none noticed the baby he held inside his cloak. It went un-noticed until they got to HQ when they heard it.

"Uwah! Wah wah uwah!" All heads were turned to see Eren and his crying chest.

He reveals the bloody child as he tries calming him down. "Shh it's okay."

They were amazed to see Eren Yeager calming a child so easily, like it was his own.

"When did Eren have a kid?" A few whispered still in shock.

You could hear Mikasa mumbling curses to the 'supposedly' mother of Eren's child.

"Yeager, whose child I'd that?" Levi asks.

"I'll explain later I need to get this little guy cleaned and could you guys warm up some milk for me please, thanks." The boy says as he hurries inside the castle.

Eren warms up some water in a sink and suds a cloth. He gently places the baby,a boy,in the sinks letting the blood tint the once clear water. The baby seems to enjoy the bath as he splashed it.

"No no no we don't want to do that little guy. "He says stopping him. He places him in the second sink with clear water." Now we can play. "The babe continues to play in the now clean water as the teen rinsed him off.

Eren was able to get a better look at the baby. He had light tan skin and dark ink hair. His eyes were a golden hue color with a hint of grey.

"Eren..."He jumps at the sudden voice of his sister. Her eyes were down casted to the stone floor,her scarf covers her face up to her nose." that?!"

Her put burst startled the little baby as well as the older boy. He begins to cry.

"Mikasa! Out you're scaring him!" Eren demand as he picks the baby in a warm towel.

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