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The next morning Ingel awoke to being held in a tight embrace by Eren. He could tell that he was upset but he didn't know how to make him smile. He a ways but a smile on in Ingel's face, why can't he do the same.

Lifting his little arm, Ingel taps lightly on Eren's face. "Ah aye."

Ingel giggles with joy to see Eren smile, but only slightly. This made the young boy embrace his little frame even more.


"I'm sorry Ingel,I'm so sorry." Eren trembled. He jumps at the sound of the rapping in the door way. There stood Levi,he too had a sad look in his eyes.

"It's time. "

Eren followers slowly behind Henchou as they travel through the halls and out the castle. Waiting for them was a tall,fit blond man that Ingel never seen before. He reached out and took Ingel out of Eren's arms who hesitated before letting go.

"Aye ah?" Ingel questioned what was happening but being a baby no one understood.

Erwin strapped Ingel against him which felt uncomfortable, then positioned himself on the straddle of his horse. Being up so high made the the baby feel uneasy.

"We are to go on a mission in a few days,so be prepared."

Ingel looks around for Eren but failed due to the man's height and built body. With a whip of the reins the two were off.

With the Fernando family

After terrifying hours of a bumpy horse ride,Ingel and the stranger arrived to a large house. Waiting for them was a man and a woman. They wore fine clothing and warm smiles.

"Here he is." Erwin says handing Ingel to the woman.

"Oh he is more adorable then described. "The woman cooed.

"Yes,well if you need any more details about Ingel please don't hesitate to write. I must be going now." Erwin says and hallowed away.

Ingel was confused. Where was Eren? Where was Levi? He looked around as if the two would appear and take him back but they didn't. He began to cry.

Back with at HQ

He cried. He cried against Levi in his chambers not being able to bare the fact that Ingel was gone. The child he found,he took care of, was gone. When Erwin and Ingel were out of sight,he ran to his room to cry until Levi came to comfort him. Every one knew that he'd be heart broken and that HQ wouldn't be the same without the child's wails or his laughter.

"He'll be okay Eren." Levi tries to convince him but it doesn't seem to get through to the historic boy.

Levi couldn't bare the sight of his Eren in this state. He really didn't deserve it. Gently pulling him away, Levi cuffs Eren's cheeks and collides their lips together.

Shocked at the sudden action Eren didn't respond but soon he leans in and kisses Levi back. Although he was upset about losing Ingel, he was happy that Levi liked and cared for him.

"You've got to let go,I'm sorry but even if you did raise him, wig knows what is to come later or sooner in the future." Levi says pressing his forehead against Eren's.

"Okay...okay."The boy replies, but still he felt uneasy.

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