Chapter 9

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A whole week now I haven't got more than a couple of hours of sleep due to Kyser screaming and kicking in his sleep making me have to wake him up. Tonight is no different.

"Kyser, Kyser wake up." I say shaking him by his shoulders.

His eyes open and he is covered in a cold sweat he looks scared out of his mind. I'm afraid to ask because the other night when I did he snapped at me. I get up from the bed and wet a cloth then start to wipe his face softly he always looks like he is in some sort of shock when he wakes up from one of these.

"Kyser. You're okay I'm here" I coo rubbing his shoulders.

He blinks a couple of times and looks at the clock which tells that it's two in the morning. He looks back at me with a guilty look in his eyes.

"I'm fine. I like being here for you" I assure him scooting an inch closer to him.

"I'm keeping you up" he replies glumly.

"It's okay. I'm here for you" I remind him taking his warm hand in mine.

He looks me in the eyes and I immediately get lost. It's like I can't think straight when I look into those beautiful grey orbes rarely they shine with happiness unless it's just him and I but most of the time they're filled with sorrow and anger.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I ask inwhich he nods quickly.

I slip on my black toms and grab a jacket to cover my tank top. Kyser holds my hand as we walk though the dark hallways and down the stairs. Soon enough we are outside in the nice air revealing a full moon. With not even one cloud in the night sky.

I breathe in the fresh air enjoy the scenery yet, I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open we usually do this every night. It keeps me calm along with Kyser I just wish I knew what his dream was about.

"Maybe you should get another room. I don't want you to be sleep deprived" Kyser voices making me sigh.

"Nope. I can't sleep without you anyways" I reply nudging him.

"Oh? Why is that?" He smirks.

"Your scent..calms me" I answer not meeting his gaze.

"That's why I moved you into my room. Your scent comforts me" he whispers.

I shove his shoulder playfully and laugh. We really have become really good friends here lately and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

"You are so cheesy" I laugh.

"Did you hear about Nolla and Casper getting married?" He asks.

"She probably mentioned it to me" I shrug not wanting to talk about it.

"Casper won't shut up about it" Kyser laughs.

Oh his laugh. I love his laugh. It's music to my ears it makes me so happy to hear him have some sort of enjoyment. Out of nowhere my head begins to spin and I began to sweat heavily and I fall to my knees.

"Whoa, Rosa are you okay?" Kyser asks kneeling next to me and holding me.

Why do I feel like this? I'm so hot. I can't slow down my breathing.

"I feel" I whine wiping sweat off my forehead.

"What can I do?" He asks worriedly holding my hand.

I look up to him, his touch makes me feel..aroused. I want him well atleast my body does it's like I ache for him. But why? I see Kyser's eyes go pitch black and he backs far away from me I start crying and I don't know why.

"Kyser..what's wrong?" I ask weakly standing to my feet.

"Stay away from me..please" he pants staring at my exposed legs.

He then turns away from me, shifts and runs out into the woods leaving me stunned. I take a breath but I still feel hot and uncomfortable I decide to walk back inside.

I take off my jacket along with the rest of my clothes and step into a freezing cold water. Even this isn't helping. My body is aching and I have no clue why. I finally give up and lay in bed trying to ease the heat and aches, but I just end up tossing and turning. Maybe Nolla has experienced something like this? Maybe I can ask Casper if he knows what Kyser's nightmares are about I can maybe make a dream catcher for him?

-Authors Note-
This is short I know but I needed to stop here so the next chapter will be full of answers and interesting ones at that!

What's wrong with Rosa?

Mine | A Werewolf Novel {Completed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon