Chapter 10

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I rush through the halls to find Nolla and Caspers room which is pretty difficult since Nolla's scent has changed since they mates she now smells like well..Casper with just a hint of honey. I guess and knock multiple times on the door. Soon opens and reveals Nolla.

"Hey could I talk to you?" I ask sweating bullets.

She opens the door for me, and let me say her and Casper's room is beautiful creamy white walls, with a trim of gold that matches everything in the room. I guess their theme is white and gold.

"Are you okay? You look sick" Nolla asks. I see Casper walk out of the bathroom and sniff the air.

"Well looks like Rosa is in heat" he smirks holding Nolla by her hips.

"What does that mean?" I ask wiping my forehead.

"If you and your mate haven't fully mated by a full moon you start your heat it lasts for a week sometimes longer, the only way to stop the aching, sweating and emotional state is by mating" he explains.

"Great. I'm going to be stuck like this forever" I whine.

"Well Kyser probably shouldn't leave you alone because all the unmated males will come after you they can't help themselves" he adds.

"He ran away from me" I begin to cry.

I feel Nolla wrap her small arms around me. But all it does is make me agitated because of her body heat so I push her away.

"I'm going to lay down for a little while" I sniff.

"I'll guard your room until Kyser returns. He's Alpha he has to" Casper suggest I nod.

I remember now that I've needed to talk to Casper about the dreams Kyser has been having so this is the perfect opportunity we are now alone in the hallway.

"Kyser has been having really bad you know what they're about?" I ask twiddling my thumbs.

"He told me once that it was something that happened to him when he was a young pup..but that's all" Casper replies.

I huff but nod and wave as I step into Kyser and I's room. I really want to redecorate maybe a nice pastel blue and white? Yeah that'd definitely make the room pop. My head starts spinning really fast and I stumble to the bed out of breathe. I wish this would end. I hear the door open and then close.

"I'm sorry I ran" Kyser whispers keeping away from me.

"I'm in heat Kyser.." I say panting.

"I know. That's why I'm trying to control my wolf" he replies gulping as I change into my shorts and tank top.

"Casper told me. Unmated males will try to get me.." I gulp looking down at my hands.

"Not if I mark you" he replies.

I look up in shock. Mark me? As in bite me then what? I still have to deal with this sweating, mood swings and aches.

"Then what?" I ask lying back on the bed.

"That's it. They'll be tempted, but won't do anything when they see my mark" his voice husky as he walks slowly to me.

"Fine.." I pant.

He sits next to me on the bed as I sit up straight and look at him. His eyes are pitch black full of lust I know it must be hard I mean it's hard for me not to just jump him right now and ask questions later. I see his gaze fall upon my lips he's thinking of kissing me?! He starts to lean closer to me and I do the same as we're a inch apart he crashed his lips to mine. First they're soft sweet kisses then they get rough and sloppy I love them both though. Right as I'm about of breathe he pulls away and without a second look he moves my hair and bites roughly on my weak spot making me cry out it hurts at first but soon turns to pleasure.He pulls away after he licks the blood away. When he stand I see he is excited, but I know I won't be getting any which means I will have to deal with this hell atleast another week.

"Why the kiss?" I ask confused.

"I wanted to see what they felt like" he shrugs.

"So you like me?" I ask hopeful.

"Of course I do, but we can't be anything I am strictly your protector" he warns.

At this I get mad and shove him forcefully away from me. I stand up to look at his confused yet incredibly adorable face. No! I'm mad!

"You can't play with my emotions like this Kyser!" I cry.

"Look I'm sorry..just give me some more time. Maybe I will be ready?" He pleads.

Wow. He has never said that before so maybe I am changing his mind? Maybe I will have a true mate? I think I'm alright with maybe.

"Yeah. Okay. You're right we should get to know each other more" I nod calming down.

He hugs me tightly making my body cool down a tiny bit, but not much. I feel like I'm living on the sun.

"I'll get you some ice packs you late down" he orders.

I nod and lay down on our bed a happy smile on my face of what could be in the future of I play my cards right.

-Authors Note-
This is may be considered a filler..just to let you know what's going on.

So please be patient awesome things are planned for this story I just know you'll love!

Casper is cute huh?
(Pic in the media^)

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