Chapter 23

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So we reached 6k!!! So close to 7k And it's all because of y'all!!! Tysm!!!! New updates every Friday:)

Next chapter will be a loooong one;)

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It's been maybe an hour or so since the guard left. Victoriá and I sit quietly the only sound is her constant sobbing and heavy breathing. I feel sorry for the girl, but she needs to be strong if we are going to escape this place together then I can't be the only strong one. Just as I'm about to talk I hear the heavy footsteps of the guards coming our way.

Not a minute later stands two guards and a young man at the entrance of the dark cell. The man smells of importance so I assume he is Alpha Tygeris. He steps in with his head held high, his bronze hair barely touching his shoulders. His skin is quite pale and his eyes are a cold grey showing no empathy.

"Well look what we have here" he starts pacing around Victoriá and I. "We have a traitor. You know what we do with traitors?" He asks smiling evilly down at a frightened Victoriá.

"No...but-" She starts only to be interrupted.

"We chop their heads off and send it to your family, then we kill them." He laughs at Victoriá's frightened expression she is now crying uncontrollably.

"You won't be doing anything" I growl glaring at Tygeris making him turn his attention to me.

"And you are Rosa, Luna to Alpha Kyser. Aren't you precious?" He smiles stroking my cheek making me flinch back.

"Yes I am. And I want you to know you'll never get away with this, Our pack will win this war and all of you will be nothing but ash" I declare.

The guards actually look a bit afraid by my words, but Tygeris didn't show any emotion he simply let out a laugh and bent down to me eye level. Now that he's closer I can see the scars on his face he looks older than I thought maybe he's in his late twenties.

"Yeah? Then where is Kyser? Why is t he rescuing you?" He smiles making me weaken a bit.

"He's smarter than you...he will come for me, but when you least expect it" I reply keeping my voice calm.

"Kyser? Smarter than me?" He laughs. "How could a smart person kill his own father?"

I still don't know what happened to Kyser's dad. Yea I know he died, but how? Kyser hasn't told me the whole story and I respect that, but I really need to know. There's no way Kyser cold blooded killed his father the way he speaks of him it's like he was his idol plus I don't think Sapphire would've been talking to him if so.

"He hasn't told you? Well well, same old Kyser" Tygeris laughs crossing his muscled arms.

"It doesn't matter, the past is the past the only thing that matters is the present and the future of our pack. That's what a true Alpha does. Kyser has you beat in every way! He actually cares about his pack members!" I defend getting angry.

"Oh really? Then why hasn't he mated with you? Thanks to him it was so easy to catch you, you can't mind link him where you're at and its all because of him" Tygeris growls clearly getting fustrated.

My breathing is now heavy and I can feel my wolf ready to pounce. I need to control myself I can't let him know that his words are getting to me. That's a sign of weakness and I am no longer being weak.

"Ohh did you not like my words?" Tygeris smiles "Just so ya know you will never get out of here I'll let you rot!" He spits.

He starts laughing like the psyco he is and the guards join in. I can faintly here the sound of footsteps coming our way, but they're softer than a mans footsteps would be so I'm assuming it's a female. Maybe it's Nolla? Or Loralye? No what am I stupid? They couldn't go near this place without being smelled.

The footsteps are getting louder and louder which means she's getting close Tygeris and the guards both stop laughing and focus their gaze on the bared door. I pull on my chains only for them to tighten making me wince from the pressure of the metal cuffs.

"Are we almost done here?" I hear a familiar female voice sigh irritably.

I look past the guards and my eyes widen at the girl. The girl I once knew, the sweet, simple and neat girl that was her is gone or atleast not visible to the eye.

"Odetté?" I ask weakly my eyes filling with tears.

"Is that my sister?!" Odetté yells angry at Tygeris and the guards.

"We will finish our talk later, get Odetté out of here" Tygeris orders.

I watch as my sister pushes the broad muscled guard in an attempt to get closer to me. Tears roll down my face as I watch them drag her away.

"See you tomorrow..." Tygeris smiles evilly at me.

I watch as he saunters out the cell door and with a click we are locked up once again.

My mind is wondering. Is Odetté helping them? Or maybe they're holding her hostage? Maybe she came to help me? All I know is I need her help to get Victoriá and I out of here and back to Kyser.

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