Chapter Seven

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Another cover made by hoebent ! I love it because it's so simple. He also has nice hair 😉

 He also has nice hair 😉

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The car was silent. Neither one of us said a word.

Parker wouldn't allow Anthony to pick me up. Anthony reluctantly didn't show up but he told me that he'd meet me there.

I shifted in my seat and glanced over at Parker. His jaw was clenched. I couldn't help but stare at his face. His jawline is perfect. Damn, I didn't know a jawline could be so sexy. I quickly brushed away that thought as my cheeks started to warm up.

Why am I blushing? I never blush!

I shifted my eyes towards the window and gazed out of it. Tired of the quietness I decided to start conversation even though I was fine with the silence. "What do your tattoos mean?"

Parker didn't glance at me but his hold on the steering wheel tightened. He didn't say a word which made me frown deeper than I already was.

"Ok, fine. Ignore me," I muttered looking down at my black jeans. I didn't change. Who the hell cares what Parker thinks.

"We are going back to my pack on Monday," He said not sparing me a glance. I frowned and shifted in my seat.       

"I only get one day of notice?" My frowned deepened at the thought of leaving my family and all of my friends. I then added quietly, "That doesn't give me much time to spend with my family." The car was silent before Parker let out an annoyed sigh. He glanced at me briefly.

I found myself staring at Parker's face longer than I intended to.

Seriously, how did I not realize his jawline? The thoughts from before came back and I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to kiss up and down it. I shivered at the images that popped into my head.

Snap out of it, Jasmine!

'Do it!' Irene purred out.

Ignoring Irene, I quickly turned my head towards the window gulping. I tried to get rid of the thoughts in my head but Irene wasn't helping because she was putting more images into my head. I crossed my legs as a weird feeling coursed through me.


I held my breath as Parker sniffed the air and his eyes hardened. His jaw clenched as well as his hands on the steering wheels until his knuckles were white. Werewolves can smell when someone's aroused.

Parker slowly pulled the car to a halt on the side of the road. I gulped as I glanced at Parker who had his eyes shut tightly. He took a deep breath before looking over at me. A gasp escaped my lips at how black his eyes were. There was not doubt that his wolf was at surface. There was nothing but lust and want in his eyes.

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