Chapter Twelve

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I tossed and turned all night long

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I tossed and turned all night long. Sleep didn't come to me and it was beginning to get frustrating. It wasn't the bed that was keeping me up, the bed as like fluffy clouds or cotton candy, OK that sounded weird but whatever. But the man across the hall was keeping me awake. In a bad way.

My thoughts wandered to him. Why does he act like he has control over me? Sure he is Alpha, but doesn't that make me Luna? And aren't Alphas and Lunas equal ranks? I shake my head. Of course they are but apparently this guy doesn't think so.

I remember when I was in school, they taught us all about the ranks and their purposes. They talked about the Alpha's abilities and power as well as the Luna's. The Alpha is not able to run his pack without his Luna. Somehow Parker believes that he doesn't need my help.

I let out a groan as I sat up in my bed. My eyes scanned the dark room. It was so different from my old room. I didn't like it at all, not one bit. A sigh escaped my lips as I pulled the covers away from my body. The cold air immediately hit my body making me shiver. It was like being slapped my ice across your body, or when your back touches the cold shower wall.

I yanked the comforter off the bed, I will fix it later, and covered my body with it. I stood up and headed to my door. Maybe food will make me feel better. I tiptoed through the hallway, making sure not to make a sound that would wake up Parker. The comforter dragged across the floor. Once I descended down the stairs, careful not to trip, I squinted my eyes waiting for them to get use to the new found darkness. I struggled to find the kitchen. My foot hit the corner or some unknown object causing me to hiss out in pain.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath as my pinkie toe began to feel numb.

I winced as I stood up straighter and continued my way to where I thought the kitchen was. My eyes fixed on the entrance for the kitchen and I let out a relieved sigh as I entered it. I could always have the Twizzlers that I found in one of the cabinets earlier. I searched through the cabinets looking for the certain red twists of love.

After what seemed like hours, I finally found the giant package. A smirk formed on my face as I snatched the package and quickly went back to my room. Almost tripping and falling on my face, I successfully reached my room.

Now its time for me to enjoy my snack.




"So you're from the Moonlit Waters Pack?" Logan asked as we sat on the couches in the living room. I nodded my head with a sigh, "They were my family." I swallowed the lump that was building up in my throat. Logan gave me a sympathetic look.

"I wonder when Alpha is going to present you to the pack," she stated as she surfed through the channels on the TV. She let out an annoyed groan after a few moments. I shot her a questioning look.

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