Chapter Seventeen

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Another cover by SarcasticSkittles ! Thank you so much 😊😊

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*Parker Mason*





That's all I felt. My wolf was not talking to me. He was angry with me. I would be too. Anger boiled through me and a loud growl erupted from me. I stood up from my desk and shoved it over causing a loud crash.

I heard a knock on my door but ignored them. Sudden pain filled me making me let out a groan of pain. The knock on the door came again followed by a voice and a had peaking in.

"Alpha, are you ok?" My head snapped towards him and I couldn't feel my wolf but the pain was too much. Zander took in my appearance and his eyes widened in fear as he noticed my state. I felt my canines extending and my claws come out.

"GET OUT!" I roared at him. His eyes widened in fear as he quickly left. I gritted my teeth together as the pain grew stronger. I cursed out as I took a seat in my chair and threw my had back releasing out a holler of pain. I saw black spots in my vision.

I was immediately filled with worries of the pack members. Many were asking if I was alright but I didn't reply to any of them.

Pain and anger took over my body. Pain that felt like a big part of me was taken out. My head pounded as it ached and sharp pains shot through my arms and legs. The most pain was in my chest and it felt like I was stabbed many times by silver.

I cursed out profanities as black spots filled my vision and dizziness took over. Sweat trickled down my forehead and I was panting. I tried calling out to my wolf but I couldn't reach him. It was the worst pain I could ever feel. It was worse than anything I've experienced, and I've experienced many things. My shirt clung to my sweat covered body. Everything felt hot as the pain only got worse. I tried getting up from the chair and head for my door but my knees locked and I collapsed to my knees and caught myself with my hands first.

'Alpha!' This time it was Jonas who called out to me through the pack-link. I could tell that everyone in the pack was able to feel my pain. I slipped into unconsciousness as black filled my whole vision.




I sat up quickly as sweat coated my face and body. My eyes focused on a bright light that hung above me. I shifted my eyes to my right and noticed the plain white walls. This caused my to sit up and I realized I was in the pack hospital. My throat felt dry and needed some water. Turning my head I notice a glass of water sitting on the table by the bed. Taking it, I drank all of it before getting up. Thats when I felt the emptiness inside of me.

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