Chapter 3 Why were the kids in an Orphanage

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They get home. But they just bring everything inside and sit then by the front door. Everyone goes and sits in the living room. It was Liam and Niall on the median sofa with Ross and Kaitlin on their laps. Louis, Harry, and Austin on the largest sofa. Ciara and zayn on the smallest sofa. They all sit and wait.

Okay well first of all welcome home- says Niall

Also each of you guys will be able to get your own rooms, you can choose which you Want because we have a 8 bedroom house- says Liam

Really that's so big- says zayn

Why do you have so many rooms- asked Ross

Well because i let Niall choose and he choosed a 8 bedroom house and I was like okay and it came in handy- says Liam

Well that's cool- says Austin

Well I guess let's get to it, wanna go and pick you rooms- says niall

Yes yes yes- they kids cheer

Well let's go than- says Niall

Niall and Liam have the kids follow to the upstairs where 10 rooms were located and each room even have their own bathroom.

Okay go and kill each other for the best rooms- Niall says

They each go and pick which rooms they want, there was 4 each side. They all go and pick their rooms. It goes like this on the right is Niall and Liam in the middle, on their right is Kaitlin's next to her is Austin, then you have Ross on their left. On the left right across from Austin is Louis room, then harry,the middle one is skipped zayn and next to zayn is Ciara.

Okay so you all pick out your rooms yet- asked Liam

Yes we did- said

Okay well let's get your bags and get you settle in shall we- says Niall

Yes- say the kids

They all go and get their things and being it up. Liam and Niall help the younger ones with their things. They put them in their.

Okay so maybe tomorrow we can go shopping for new things for you guys and you room okay- says Liam

Yes sir- says the kids

Hey no need for the sirs, call us dad or daddy if you want too- says Niall

Okay dad- says the older ones

Okay daddy- says the younger ones

Who Hungary- Asked Niall

Me me me me me- said the kids

Well let's go to the kitchen and eat then- says Liam

Last one done there is a rotten egg- screams Niall

They all raced down the stairs well all but Liam did. All the kids sit at the table, which seats 14 people. It went Ross, Liam, Niall, Kaitlin, Austin, Harry, Louis, Ciara, and zayn, well after everyone sits down.

Okay I start cooking is there anything anyone is allergic too- asked Liam

Well I can't eat peas- says Kaitlin

Neither can I- says Austin

I can't eat cantaloupe or whole grain crackers- says ciara

I can't eat mushrooms- says Ross

As far as I know I can eat anything- says zayn

Yeah me too- says Harry

Also me says Louis

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