Chapter Eight

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After breakfast, all the children went to go get ready. Niall was going to help Kaitlin and Ross take a bath, and then make sure that Austin has taken a shower and got dressed.
The elder children, were able to get their own clothes and showers if needed.

Today, they were signing the children up for school at Avalon Prep Academy, which is a preschool through twelfth school, which is perfect for Liam and Niall as all of the children would be at the same school.

After everyone is dressed, they talked about what grades each of the children were in.
Louis is in 11th grade, Harry is in 10th grade.
Zayn is in 8th grade, and Ciara in seventh.
Austin is in fifth, Ross and Kaitlin are both in first.

" all everyone I want you all on your best behaviors while we visit the school or there will be consequences understand?" Niall said stern

" yes sir" Louis, Zayn, Harry, Ciara, and Austin say.

" yes daddy" Ross and Kaitlyn says

So they all get into the car, Liam making sure that Ross and Kaitlyn are properly in their car seats, and that everyone else is buckled and then they head off to the school.

" papa if we be good, can we have ice cream later?" Questions Ross, they've only had their children for a few weeks, and they already know how to work their daddies and get what they want.

" sure you can have ice cream if you are good" Niall says, which gets him a glare from Liam. Liam wants the children to eat more healthy, while Niall feeds them whatever they want.

" yay!" Ross cheers and so does Kaitlin, also Austin, and even Zayn and Ciara.

It's about a fifteen minute drive to the school, once there, Liam parks the car, and everyone starts to get out.
Niall helps out Ross and Kaitlyn. Niall then takes Kaitlyn and Ciara hand.
Liam takes Ross hand and also Austin.

" Zayn, I'm going to let you walk alone, but If you try to run off, you'll have to hold my hand everywhere we go for the next month, and you'll receive a spanking understand?" Liam said soft but stern to his son Zayn.

" got it papa" Zayn says with a small smirk, mostly towards Ciara.

" daddy, why do I have to hold your hand? I'm twelve! Z don't have to hold papa hand" Ciara says complaining

" Ciara, you have to hold my hand because you are twelve, and many cars can't see you because you are still small, and it's safer for you. And Z is a year older than you, so he can walk by himself, and when you are thirteen, I'll consider it, for now you will be holding my hand" Niall explains to his daughter

" it's not fair! I don't wanna hold your hand!" Ciara says and pulls her hand away from Niall.

" Ciara Quinn stop that right now, you will hold my hand or there will be consequences Understand? It's not safe for you not to, don't argue it" Niall says softly but a little stern.

" no! I don't want too!" Ciara yells and officially pulls her hand away from Niall, she tries to walk ahead.

" Ciara Quinn stop this now" Niall said stern as he let's go of Kaitlyn hand and grabs Ciara hand and pulls her towards him.

He then lands three hard smacks to her bottom, making Ciara yelp. Smack smack smack

" owwie, sorry daddy" Ciara says and rubs her bottom " I'll hold your hand"

" good girl" Niall says and retakes Kaitlyn hand and also holds Ciara hand, and they all walk through the parking lot and into the school.

They all walk into the school, then Liam and Niall let go of their youngest children hands and walk into the front office.

"Hello, I am Niall Payne-Horan, and this is my husband Liam Payne-Horan, and we would like to sign up our seven children for school" Niall says with a soft smile

" alright, and what grades will they be in?" She asked

" our eldest is Louis and he will be in 11th grade, then you have Harry, who will be in 10th grade. Next is Zayn and he will be in eighth grade, and then you have Ciara in seventh grade. Then you have Austin in fifth grade, and Ross and Kaitlyn in 1st grade" Niall says

" alright got that, take a seat, and in a few minutes you can talk with the principle and counselors about setting up your children for school." The lady says

" thank you" Niall says and sits down as does Liam and the children.

A few minutes later, they go into the room with the counselors and principle.
They get each of their seven children signed up for school, and it's a uniform school, the school provides the first uniform.

" thank you, we look forward to see your children tomorrow" the principle says

" thank you" Niall says and they leave.

They go to get ice cream, while eating.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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