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Amber POV

It took for ever for me to convince Dante to but burn medicine on his back at least piece of mind and come to find out that the safe/panic room is a under ground bunker that looks like a high class hotel room with no windows.

"Dante, If you said that this medicine doesn't sting when applying it, why are you hanging on to my legs and squealing?" Snickering after spraying another section of is back.

Instead of a squeal this time he hiss and tighten his grip on my legs. We, well I was sitting on a giant pillow, that was surrounded by a dozen little pillows with Dante head on my lap an his arms wrapped around my legs.  This pile of comfort was in front of a giant aquarium with tropical fish and coral, this giant fis tank wrapped around the whole room except for the door to get into here. Why they have this down here just boggles my mind considering Dante wont relaxed.

"I do not squeal. That medicine does sting. Its also very cold! I can heal with out that damn thing. Damn it! Stop spraying that shit!" He snarled when I sprayed another part tat look really bad.

I found it so cute that he is trying to deny that it doesn't sting. But I don't stop spraying his back because it really is helping him to heal much faster.

"Oh stop your whining! If anything this is pay back for the ass-hole move you did for marking me with out my permission and then trying to punish me because I hurt you damn feelings when you didn't even take mine into consideration at all." I hiss at him and then slap his back because I was just so mad. He growled and twitch.

Fucking ass-hole! Why am I even applying medicine to this jerk again?


 Because he is my mate. He is one of my mates who is a ass-hole......He may be my only living mate. I whimpered from the thought that my other mates could be dead and that our futures together might be over before it really started.

"Shhhh its alright baby. It will be okay." Dante said with a soothing voice as whip at my closed eyes.

 I didn't even know that I closed my eyes or that I began to cry until I felt Dante whipping the tears away from my eyes. It was comforting to a small degree but I still felt the anxiety and need to see all my mates. The need to know that they are all alive, here with me.

"But what if.." I choke on my words. I just couldn't say it.

Sorry its such a sort chapter after so long.


There's no way that i have three mates!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora