I will mark you when your ready

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Amber POV

I couldn't beleive what I herd. He said he loved me and the expression he made in his sleep was like seeing a child smile for the first time. My wolf gave me a warm feeling in my chest and I felt some pain that was not mine. Theo began to whimper in his sleep and his grip tighten on me. He was twitching and mummbling in his sleep.

What could he be dreaming to make him twitch like this?

"He can feel the emotions of the future in his sleep. Usually Xander or Dante are capable of seeing what he can see through their special link to one another. When he twitches its because what ever he is dreaming is taking a toll on his body. It usuall way worst. I guess having a mate is more help then they want to admit." Said a calm voice. It made me jerk and my head snapped to the door and their I saw another girl.

She look to be my age but she had pale skin with bottomless black eyes. Her hair was in a pitch black in a loose long braid and she was wearing a baggy black hoodie. She was also wearing black jeans with some black combat boots and their was a crimson choker around her neck. She look at us with no expression and it seemed like she was studying us or just me.

"Who are you?" I said wrapping my arms around Theo and his tiwtching stop but he would still whimper. My wolf didn't like that he was in pain.

"I'm one of your mates many siblings. My name is Andy." She said again with no expression.

I thought she was going to say more but then she blink a couple times and then left, im guessing that im going to be meeting alot of their siblings.I was left alone again with my sleeping mate andhis grip never loosen which meant I couldn't get away from him. My wolf was irrated with me for still think9ing of leaving them. My eyes began to become heavey from being here for so long and boredom was not helping me to stay awak. So i just let my self be engulfed into dream land.


My body felt warm and when I opened my eyes I was laying in a great big feild and sitting on a hill. The sky was like a shade of purple and eveything felt peaceful here. Until I herd some growling and felt my self get tackel by an invicible force I was pushed to the ground by something with....fur?

I felt like it was sniffing me and then some of the weight disapeared, but I could still hear an feel something sniffing me. That is when the growl I was hearing turn from a growl of anger to one that sound like that of approvel. My white dream dress that was I wearing was hike up alot on my legs. Wait a minute I dont wear dresses. Hell I don't even like dresses!

This can't be my dream!

But before I could do anything I herd some one screaming at me.

-------Dream over--------

"Amber wake up! Mate! Mate! Wake up!" said a deep voice adn it sent shivers down my spine.

 My eye flew open and I had to blink a good amount of times to adgust to the light that was so bright. When I stop blinking I saw that I was in the .......... Kitchen?

Why am I in the kitchen?

"Shut up Dante! Why are you yelling at our Mate to wake up? She needs as much rest as possible!" Yelled an angry Theo and that is when I relise that I was sistting on his lap and he was holding me tight to his body.

"You Shut up Theo! its not fair that your can hold her and I can't! She is my Mate as well and I have a right to hold her just as much!" Yelled Dante as he was sitting next to us.... well next to Theo but behind me. He had an arm wrapped around my mid section and it felt like he was trying to pull me to him. But Theo had and arm wrapped around me and holding onto my legs as well.

So if anything I was being squeezed by the two.

"Could guys let me go? I want need to go to the Bathroom." I said after trying to get their hands off of me.

They both growled at me and then went back to arguing about who could hold me. Well i totally did not think this would happen. First I am treated like meat and now its like I'm a toy to some over grown children with sharing issues.

"You can hold her when I want you to! Now leave us alone! Its bad enough you both mark her with out her permission and made her feel worthless!" Theo said with a growl and then I herd two whimpers.

I look to see and sad Dante and what look to be hurt puppy version of Xander cooking. My heart was breaking from seeing my to mates hurting like this but then it also made me feel beter knowing that i had a mate who really care about me.

"We sorry mate." Said the two with a whimper.

 I was about to say something when Theo growled at them.

"Don't let them fool you love. Only one of them really means it and the other one is just faking it so you can get made at me for hurting their feelings." Theo said with a snarl and then that when I herd the two growl.

"I find you all greatly annoying." I said with a flat voice.

I hope all their ego are hurt.

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