It's better now.

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Amber POV

It has been over a month since what happened and me being kidnapped from my own pack. So there is good news, great news and then some really bad news.

So for the good news is that Sarah and Draco turned out to be mates, after she healed him, they were all over each other. The poison that Scallion was using on Draco was also meant to block him from finding any mate that could save him, the poison was like a double edge blade, Because not only does it prevent you from finding your mate, but if by chance they find you then the poison starts to kill you even faster. Lucky Sarah was able to save him.

For some great news, me and my mates are finally bonding together, we moved further into our mating, I let Theo marlked me after out third date. Xavier and Dante are still making it up to me, but thanks to being marked to all three I no longer need to be physically touching them anymore. But then that is also where some bad news start coming in, thanks to all the stress of still looking for Scallion, along with trauama that happened before Scallion show up has messed up our mating.

All the healers we speak to say that we just need time to bond, but I have a feeling there is something more to it. Like some one is missing?

I'll figure it out later after we comeback from visiting my family in my old pack. Before I could even start stressing again about where the heck was that slimy lizerd Scallion my ringtone for Sarah was going off.

Hey, Darling Darling,

I know this is very inconvien, but my Dragon friend I told you about that was ment to come and visit sooner is supposed to arrive the sametime your all heading out. Could you please tell him that I am sorry for the not being there to greet him, but everything is ready for his visit and that a a red hair maid will lead him to the guest room he will be taying in. Pleas and thank you!!!

                                                                                                                                                               <3 SARAH

That's right I almost forgot amy told me about her mysterious dragon friend that was meant to visit us sooner. Apprently he was one of the hidden dragons that don't believe in using cellphones. So letters have been scent back and forth, The guy has some beaurtiful hand writing. Giggling when I remembered the last time we where talking about the guy and our mates got so jealous.

Damn it! I forgot his name. Oh well, I'll just ask the guy when he gets here, Just got to keep a look out for a guy who is seven feet tall with long black hair and glowing blue eyes. No way I can miss that around here anyway.

"Are you ready to go baby?" Dante purrred as he cuddled up to me.

"Almost. I guest we just have to tell Sarah friend that she won't be able to meet him right away. Guess Draco is still in protective mode."Snorting from the fact that Draco is beyound protective mode.

"That dragon is proably sitting on our poor sister like she is part of his hoard of treasure. Along with anything that smells like her." Chuckled Xavier, as he picked up my alread packer bags and put them in the car.

"Come on guy! The faster we get going, the faster we can make sure our mate gets to eat lunch, got to keep our girl healthy." Theo repeatedly kept blasting the car horn.

"Oh shut up you rat dog!" Dante Snapped, giving me a kiss on the cheek before he tried to attack Theo again. 

"I'll meet you all in the car, I forgot to get my camera in our room." I said before dashing back into the palace to get my camera.

So ready to get out of here for some R and R that I didn't even notice the giant I ran into till I bounced right off the guy. Looking up into the giant I saw the most deep glowing blue Eyes I have ever seen.

"Mate." in a deep voice the giant growled.

uh oh

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