Is it her? (Part 1)

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-Fifth-teen years later-

Jareth was lounged across his throne, his legs dangling over the arm of the chair. He was alone, his only companion being the small crystal ball he played with, it spun in most complex ways.

Although he enjoyed this pastime, he didn't smile. He rarely had a reason to anymore, now that Juliette was gone he barely had a reason to go on. Jareth's appearance had deteriorated for the last fifth-teen years. His skin although usually quite fair, was now pale his usually sparkling eyes were now dull "Your majesty someone has summoned us" Leefront approached his mourning king "we have reasons to believe it's Juliette" the small goblin confessed, Jareth's interest immediately peaked "where is she?" Jareth jumped out of the throne "Aboveground your sire, her new name is Sarah and she has a little brother" Leefront explained.

 "She has asked us to take her little brother away" Jareth smirked at the news, his usually grim expression changed into an overjoyed one "well then, we should get going" shifting his body into an owl Jareth flew out the window and Aboveground.

The room was dark, lightning cracked outside as an owl tried to barge itself through the window. The goblins laughs were heard across the room. Sarah backed away in fear, her eyes covered she was unable to see the owl barge in.

 The owl was no longer there, in its place stood the all mighty  goblin king "you're him aren't you?" Sarah asked fearfully "you're the Goblin King" Jareth smirked at her words as a bit of hope lit inside him, maybe this was his Juliette he smiled blissfully "I want my brother back, if its all the same" 

"What said is said" Jareth approached, his eyes searching for more signs of his Juliette "I didn't mean it" Sarah whined her arms falling to her sides in desperation "oh, you didn't?" Jareth seemed humored by the girl's words "please, where is he?" She asked, her eyes glimmered with concern "you know very well where he is" Jareth taunted "please give him back please..." Her voice trailed off.

Staring deep into her eyes Jareth found himself lost "Sarah......Go back to your room, play with your toys and costumes. Forget about. The baby"  "I can't" she shot back, huffing out in resignation.

Summoning a crystal into his hand he noticed the sudden interest in Sarah's-no Juliette's eyes "I brought you a gift" Jareth presented the crystal in a similar manner Juliette used to do "what is it?" Juliette asked curiously "it's a crystal, nothing more" he answered smoothly "but if you turn it this way and look into it" he stopped his fluid motions for only a second "it will show you your dreams, but this isn't a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming baby" he explained 

"Don't you want it? Then forget about the baby" noticing the hesitation in Sarah's eyes hope grew as he thought she would take the crystal "I can't, I appreciate what you're offering, but I want my brother back" she rambled on  " he must be scared" the teenager tried to reason with the goblin king "Sarah" Jasper spoke as the crystal morphed into a deadly snake "don't defy me" throwing the snake at her she screamed in fear, but as soon as it touched her hands it turned into just a harmless scarf.

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