The rumors about Chanda

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I was looking trough the window of art class, watching the gray sky, the same as everyday.

I sighed quietly and got back to my drawing. I was in art class, with my friends. In normal times, we would talk, laugh comment each other's drawings but right now, we were in exams. Art exams. The easiest exam ever.  Well for me at least . All what you need is a pencil, an eraser and  imagination. I peeked at the Lou's dawning and frowned. Ok, i take back the "easiest exam ever part". I have no idea what she was doing. It looked like a group of Picassos mixed with Justin Bieber....

"Hey ! Becca !" I whispered at my other friend, across the table .

No reaction.

"Hey ! Becca !" I tried louder.

No reaction.

"I'll buy you a cheese cake for lunch" I said.

"What is it you want-Oh dear friend of mine ?" she said with a bright smile, finally looking at me.

I, gently, glared at her, before getting serious again.

"What time is it ?" I asked to her. She was the only of the group to have a watch.

"It's summer time !" sang Lara, stopping to draw her perfect Korean boyfriend .

Lou shacked her head in a "you're kidding me" way. I gave her a "are you serious" face and Becca mumbled "I respected you Lara.....".

-The French girls in the back, stop talking !" ordered the teacher in a not so happy way.

We immediately obeyed, looking down at our drawings and only hearing the sound of 30 the pencils scratching the paper. Five minutes later, I dared to look up, looking at Becca, who was still looking down at her piece of paper.

-Soooooooo, what time ?" I dared to say.

Her hand stopped moving. She put the pencil down and looked at her wrist in a mechanical way. As if she was doing that all the time. It's actually true, we ask her the time everyday...

-The bell goes in three minutes."

She went back to her drawing, not looking at me, her serious face staying on. I looked around me nervously before doing the same, mumbling a quiet "thanks.....", doubting that she would hear me.

And then.........

The bell.

"Okay everybody ! Pencils down ! Put your drawings on my desk ! Don't forget to cle-" The teacher's voice was cut by the noise of the talking students, all eager to share what they drew, how they felt during the exam, or just to talk about random things

After leaving my paper with the pile of other works, I joined Lou, Becca and Lara and we began to talk about what we did.

Becca made a drawing of  a portrait, that she called "Forgotten portaiT", it represented a boy(or a girl?) caught in a portrait and that became forgotten by everybody. Lara, as we all were sure of, made a realistic drawing of a Korean boy that she dreamed of. Lara is addicted to South Korea for no reason, if it's Korean, she loves it. If "2 girls 1 cup" was Korean..... you get the point. To my surprise, Lou wasn't making five Justin-Picasso, but the boys from "One Direction". She was on the verge of hating me when I told her what I tough it was. And me, well, I drew the shark girl from the group Mayhem, making the title " It's Murder". And ,of course, my friends start to say things like "Why do you always draw dark, gore, creepy, scary and bloody things ?". And of course I reply with "Who are you ? My mom ?"

As we were talking, we walked down the corridors, in the direction of the canteen. We haven't eated for 5 hours long, we were starving (unlike Lara, who secretly ate a yogurt in Chemistry class). I was already daydreaming about a giant plate of pasta a la Carbonara when I heard someone whisper to me.

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