Kelly Hunter

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              Waking up in the morning is not something I enjoy and I don't understand how anyone could be happy so early in the morning. My annoying alarm clock that buzzed every morning at six o'clock continued to aggregate me until I crawled out of bed to turn it off. My mother and I aren't morning people at all, yet my father is the complete opposite, which angers us most mornings. The reason my dad, Matt Hunter, was a morning person was because he is a police office, which requires him to get up early. Since he is detective, he gets up every day at four in the morning to start his day.

             My mom, on the other hand, slept in like a normal person until about eight or nine to get ready for work. I was their only child so they didn't have to worry about leaving their fifteen year old daughter at home alone while they were at work all day when I didn't have school.

              I got out of bed and turned on my light. I was blinded for a minute but my eyes adjusted to the light. My dad was still in the basement lifting weights and my mom was still asleep. I walked over to my closet to find what I was going to wear to school.

            It was almost the end of the school year of my freshman year in high school. It was getting warmer so I slipped on a pair of jean shorts and a T-shirt I got from Florida last year. My hair is naturally straight and all I really have to do with it is brush it out, so I did.

            My room was fairly clean except the pile of clothes that I hadn't put away yet. I turned off my light after grabbing my book bag. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I plopped my book bag down next to the kitchen table while I figured what I was going to eat. I always tried to eat something because if not I'm dying of starvation at school when lunch time comes along.

              I opened the fridge and looked inside. I sighed because there was nothing to eat. Cereal was my best and well the only option. I'm sure there was something else I could eat but nothing sounded good. I poured a bowl of cereal and quietly sat and ate my breakfast. After I was eating my disgusting, unappetizing cereal, I went back upstairs and brushed my teeth. When I came back down my dad was coming up from his workouts downstairs.

            "Morning, Kelly." He said acknowledging my presents.

            "Hey dad." I grumbled still not fully awake. I sat down on my couch in the living room and turned on the TV. I really didn't want to be up this early, let alone go to school.

            "Well I'm going on a run. Have a good day at school," He said giving me a kiss on my forehead.

              I watched TV until it was time for me to go outside to my bus stop. For my bus stop, I had to walk all the way down my street to the corner. My dad was nowhere to be seen. I was thankful that it wasn't raining like it was yesterday. The May weather was just perfect today. "Only one more month until I can sleep in all the time." I thought to myself as I walked down the street.

             I slowly made my way down the street, knowing I had plenty of time to get to my bus stop. Once I reached the end of the street, I heard faint footsteps coming towards me. I turned to see Ethan Samson walking down the sidewalk. He had gone to my school all year but had moved into my neighborhood recently, now being at the same bus stop as me. My heart started to race a little bit. I'd never had a boyfriend before, and I had to admit I had a bit of a crush on him, not that I would ever admit to him.

             Ethan was our school's football quarterback on varsity. Being a freshman and making varsity was extremely impressive at our school. Everyone loved him, especially other girls. A spike of jealousy hit me and I mentally cursed at myself for being stupid. He was the first freshman who was a varsity quarterback in the history of our high school. That was probably another reason for his popularity.

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