The Second Kill

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              After talking with Kelly, he figured she would go back to sleep. He knew the chloroform had some side effects that were never good. His adrenaline was rushing every time he saw Kelly, he had been waiting for this moment for a while now. His plan was coming along great, except he wasn't planning on taking Maddie and Ethan at Kelly's house. He didn't let that stop him, but now he was out of rooms.

              The man had a hard decision to make. Who to kill next? He wanted to keep these police officers on their feet and to keep them so busy that he could kidnap again if he needed to. He needed to make more room as well. The man decided to think about who he wanted to kill before he actually did it. In order to keep the police running around looking like their heads were cut off, he decided to kidnap someone else.

               He tried to think of who else had help put his friend away in jail. Did he want to keep taking kids or the person themselves? Then a person came to mind. The man had done research on all persons involved in the case one way or another and everything about their families for his plan. He thought of the stupid lawyer who was the prosecutor against the man's friend, he was the perfect person. Now did he want to take her daughter or him? He couldn't decide so he was going to flip a coin for it. He grabbed a quarter out of his pocket.

             "Heads for the daughter, tails for the father." He said.

               He flipped the coin and let it land on the floor. He grinned as he saw the head side up. He was secretly hoping to take her daughter. It was more torture as a parent to have their child taken. The man always thought how coincidental it was that all these people had daughters for him to take. Though, the man did love taking girls, if he needed to he would abduct boys as well, Ethan was a perfect example. The man would do whatever was needed, even if kidnapping boys wasn't nearly as fun as girls.

            The lawyer's daughter's name was Christina Perry. She was a beautiful girl of age ten. She looked just like her mother with her long red hair and had her dad's hazel eyes. He hated her father with a passion. He had watched his friend's trial and he never was quiet.

              "Oh he had raped ten girls, murdered fifteen and kidnapped at least twenty and I have proof of it all." The man mocked inside his head.

              He disgusted the man. The man went to check on Maddie. He hadn't checked on her since he kidnapped her and she should be awake by now. He went to her room and unlocked the door. He walked in and she was lying on her bed crying. She had stopped crying though when he walked in. She wiped the tears from her eyes as he sat on her bed. Tears were the man's favorite thing to witness, it showed weakness, which overall meant power.

           "Hey, Maddie. How are doing?" He asked compassionately, he didn't care as much about her but since he did kidnap her, he wanted to get invested.

              She was still laying but scooted over and turned the other way, facing the wall. The man laid next to her because she had left empty room for him to lie down. She basically set herself up for that. He was now touching her body with his warm body. Her body was tense and she wasn't talking to him. He could feel her body trembling next to his. He wasn't sure if it was because of the coldness of the room or if she was truly terrified. He wrapped his arms around her and got close to her ear, so close that his lips were basically touching her ear and whispered, "It's not nice to ignore people when they talk to you."

            He thought he heard her cry again. In response, he rubbed her back and told her that he wouldn't hurt her. She probably didn't believe the man, but he didn't really care. The man got up, kissed her on the cheek and left the room. He had better things to do, like planning on how he was going to take his next victim and who he was going to kill.

Kidnapped (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora