The Mistake

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              I had just woken up from a nap, but I still felt exhausted. I hadn't slept well because I feared Marcus would come into my room while I was asleep and trying to rape me like he did Brooke. I had been more scared lately and desperately wanted to go home. I changed out of my dress and back into my regular clothes. My door flung opened after several minutes and the man walked in. He looked panicky and in a rush. Usually, he remained calm and under control but this was a whole new side of him.

             "We're leaving." He said, quickly.

             "Where are we going?" I asked.

              "The police caught on to who I am so now we are leaving. Marcus and I are each taking one girl so it's your lucky day." He said sarcastically.

                  This was my chance to finally escape. This opportunity wouldn't come again. I needed to think of my plan. We were going to be outside, which was the perfect chance to make a run for it. Trying to fight the man could work since he is in panic mode. It was a perfect time for him to make a mistake. We walked out of the room, where Brooke and Marcus were waiting. Marcus glared at the man, clearly irritated for the need to relocate.

             "How did this happen?" Marcus snarled.

                "I made a mistake. I'll tell you in the car but we need to go now." The man said opening an air duct at the bottom of the floor.

              "Marcus goes first and I'll go last. This will led us about a mile away from here. I stashed a car there so it was available for an easy escape." The man said.

                Marcus nodded and crawled through the air duct. Brooke followed him silently, unable to hide the fear radiating off her body. I got on my hands and knees and crawled in after her, knowing it wasn't the right time to fight the man. I heard the man get in after me and put the vent back on the air duct. We crawled a little ways before the air duct opened up and it was big enough that we all could stand up and walk. It was obviously made by the man and I had to admit that I was slightly impressed at how planned out this escape route was.

                The man was so close to me that I could hear his steady breathing. We walked for what felt like forever until there was a ladder leading to the surface. We all climbed to the top, revealing the darkness of the night. Being locked up, it was impossible to keep track of day and night. The forest was silent, not even the animals making a peep. The forest mocked me with different shadows that hid in the darkness. There could be the police out there or a bear who was ready to kill all of us. The pounding of my heart echoed in my head. This was my chance to escape. I couldn't let my nerves get the best of me, but I was terrified of what would happen.

              The man went over to Marcus and whispered, "If she tries to fight me, the car is just behind the two large trees on the right. Get in the car and wait for us, I can take her."

               The man had a well thought-out plan but he wasn't that smart when he was talking to Marcus. Did he really think that I couldn't hear him? I would say I had good hearing but he talked to Marcus as if I wasn't standing in the vicinity. He was smart though, he knew I would take this chance to fight. Sure, I had no idea where to go but anywhere was better than with the man. Everywhere around me looked the exact same and I would most likely get lost but I would rather take my chances.

             The man grabbed my arm and said, "Let's go."

                I yanked my arm out of his grasp, causing him to smirk. He knew I was going to do this. There was no way I would willingly get in that car with him. I wasn't going down without a fight. I looked past him to see Marcus grab Brooke and drag her to the car. A shiver ran up my spine as a gust of wind rushed through me. I got into my fighting position, figuring that fighting would be easier than trying to make a run for it. I had to hurt him before I could run.

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