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"Seriously? Dude, that's awesome!" The Mccall siblings lay spread out on Ariels plush bed, empty bags of chips and a half eaten cheese cake lying between the two. Their attention was turned away from the movie blaring on a laptop and on eachother.

"Yeah, I'm taking her to the party on Friday." Scott grinned, his eyes basically screaming his happiness.

"Everything seems to be turning the right way for you, Scott! Maybe tenth grade will be the year you finally get a girlfriend." Ariel laughed. Her brother swatted at her, the blonde expertly dodging him and sticking out her tongue. Scotts face fell from his dopey smile, his features hardening.

"Did your bite- did it ya know...heal?" He whispered. Her joking look disappeared and she nodded her head solemnly. The siblings pulled up the hems of their shirts in sync, displaying the unmarked flesh.

"Something weird is going on, Scott. I got bit by some creature in the woods and I pass out. Next thing I know I'm in my bed. The next day I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear, my bites gone, I have a freaking tattoo-"

"Wait, what? What tattoo?" Scott frowned. Ariel sent him a confused look.

"Don't you have one?"

"Ariel, show me your tattoo." Scott spoke, shaking his head to answer her question. Slightly shaking, the blonde pulled her hair up into a bun, displaying the crescent moon emblazoned on the back of her neck. She jumped a little as one of Scotts warm fingers traced the mark.

"Scott? What the hell is happening to us?"


His touch was like a drug, pulling her in and never letting her go. When his hand skimmed down her body it created a trail of fire, a sweet slow burning fire that welled inside her. His lips were in hers with a bruising force, yet the kisses were deep and passionate.

Her mind was in jumbles, not focusing on anything aside the man on top of her. A hand rested on her hip, anchoring her to him, pulling her flush against him. They were closer than she thought possible, every inch of her skin pressed deliciously onto his. His lips moved from hers, trailing down to her neck. She let out a moan as his tongue brushed against her throat.

Something sharp began to dig into her sides, drawing blood. She looked down in horror as he looked up. Eyes glowing red, he smiled with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. She let out a horrified scream as they latched onto her neck, tearing and-

"Ariel!" The blonde shot up, hitting heads with her brother. "Agh, what the hell?" He yelled. Ariel was panting, her mind reeling from her nightmare.

"What? I'm up, I'm up" she stuttered, flinging herself out of bed. The older McCall began to pace, fiddling with her fingers, her heart racing.

"What are you wearing?" Scott groaned. She looked down. She had slipped into the foreign tee last night, for reasons unknown even to her.

"Uh I think it's one of dads old shirts. I wanted something to sleep in." She threw together a thin excuse.

"Take one of mine next time. His stuff should be gone from this house." Scott grunted, moving to leave her room. At the door he turned around, remembering what he came in to say. "Oh by the way, school starts in twenty minutes."

Ariel gasped and bolted towards her closet. With Scott gone, she quickly stripped before pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and white tee shirt. She nimbly braided her hair whilst brushing her teeth and washing her face. Slipping on some white converse, she snagged her bag and an apple and was out of the door in record time.

Throughout the day, she tried to push her dream out of her head, but she just couldn't. When she closed her eyes, she could feel his claws, see his red eyes. Stiles didn't make her day any better, forcing her to stay after to watch lacrosse practice, as his jeep had died on him again. Her thin, short sleeved shirt offered little warmth, so Ariel was wrapped in one of Scotts lacrosse jackets, huddling in the bleachers. The players had yet to leave the warm locker room, making the cold Ariel even more disgruntled. A tap on the shoulder pulled her from her angry thoughts.

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