~Twenty Three~

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        "very well done, brother. Though I must admit, I never knew you and I had the same taste in women. I, For some reasons, thought you preferred the model kind?"

      My face burnt. I wanted, at that very moment, to be anywhere else but sitting next to Frederick on the couch, in his living room while the muted movie we had started only a half an hour prior, kept playing.

     "Stop making my girlfriend uncomfortable. At least give her time to warm up to you before you show your true face." Frederick joked with little sister. She grimaced at him but otherwise laughed it off. Frederick put his hands around me and pulled me in closer to him. I went willingly.

       "Tell me, Eva. I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?" Ornella asked, her focus solely on me. I swallowed the ball in my throat. Aurora Ornella Halter was a very beautiful girl. Her skin was a gorgeous bronze that could have been due to the sun, though I suspected she got it from her mother, seeing as she was biracial. "So Eva, is my brother right?" Her voice was soft and comforting. You wouldn't know, from what her brother had told me, that she was such a naughty girl. She was intimidating in a way. "I shook my head and smiled at her. Her hazel eyes shined mischievously.

        "No, I'm not uncomfortable, I promise. We just weren't expecting you, is all." I cleared my throat and when I made eye contact with her again, realized she was studying me, a smile dancing on her face.

         "Yeah, I'm wondering as well what brings you to the states without letting me know."

        "I decided I missed you too much, Frederick. Can't a girl come visit her brother without him being suspicious of her motives?" She said and the only hint that she wasn't telling the whole truth was in the way she fidgeted slightly in her seat. She cleared her throat. I looked at Frederick who was staring at her, his face twisted slightly.

      "Ornella, what is it?"

    She got up, flailing her arms in the air which somehow looked cool, like she was in control of her body. "I thought I told you guys I wanted to be addressed by my first name?" She said, seemingly trying to change the subject.

      "Do not try to change the subject." Her brother easily caught on to it.

     Ornella--Aurora-- sighed heavily. "It's nothing to worry about. Coralie and I just decided to part ways." She replied. I saw frederick shake his head. I noticed the fact that, unlike her brother, Ornella had a slight French accent which was due to the fact that she spent much more of her life in france. The school system there was much better than the American school system. Or so Frederick told me. I was inclined to believe him.

      "Was it really mutal?"
   She moved her shoulders, turning back to meet her brother's gaze. On her face was plastered a warm smile, her white teeth shining bright in the dimly lit room. "Well, she decided she wanted to go back to fucking dicks and all I could do was let her go." The smile though, never reached her eyes. My heart broke for her.

       "I do hope this time you do not take her back. I'm sick of you wasting your life in a relationship that was simply not worth all the time and energy you put into it." Frederick said which made me want to hit him over the head. His sister was heartbroken enough to travel to a different continent to mend her broken heart, on a whim, and that's all he had to say?

         "Frederick, I love her. We spent four long years together. So excuse me if I'm not particularly interested in hearing about how much you did not approve of my relationship." She turned to leave, heading towards the stairs leading to the bedrooms.

         "She was toxic." Frederick yelled after her before umutting the TV.

        "Well, you guys won't have to worry about it anymore. I can do a lot, but I don't have a dick to compete with one." Aurora yelled back, slamming, what I assumed was the door, behind her. I shouldered him. And when he looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face, I shook my head.

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