~Twenty Four~

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         The sound of the  balcony's sliding door being pushed open, made me look back to see Frederick stepping outside where I had been standing for longer than I had anticipated it to be.

         "Hey, I've been looking for you in there."

          "Sorry, I just wanted some fresh air." I told him, taking a sip of the drink I had been holding. "Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked him. He smiled, placing a kiss on my temple. I sighed happily.

        "Yes, thank you. I'm having a good time. I was not expecting you to plan a birthday party for me. I'm impressed that you were able to do so without my knowing it.

        I leaned my head on his shoulder, loving how tightly he was wrapped around me.
         "What about you? Are you having a good time? This should be your party as much as it is mine." His words were soft, around us the air was crips but comfortable. You definitely could tell the warmer days would soon be upon us. When I decided I wanted to throw Frederick a birthday party, I had no where to start. If it weren't for Aurora, I would have never been able to pull it off. Twenty people were invited. That had been it. I couldn't do anymore people, though his place could definitely accommodate many more.

       "Yeah, it's been good. I'm still not used to having that many people around me, but I want to be able to be okay again. I'm tired of living my life in fear. I deserve better than that." I replied just as the sliding opened again. Frederick and I both looked back simultaneously to find Billie, her face was tight. I frowned.

      "What's wrong, Bills?"

    "You guys might want to come back in. Karlie just made an appearance and it is already making people uncomfortable." She said which made all the hair on my body raise. What the fuck else did she want? I hadn't seen her since we got the results for the paternity test. It took two months and three paternity tests from three different labs, all picked out by Frederick but the results were undeniable. Karlie was right, it was Frederick's baby all along. And I think, I knew that all along.

         The laughter and happiness I had left in the room prior to stepping out was gone. In its place was awkwardness and murmurs, people standing around watching the Karlie show. I was fucking sick of it. I all but bolted for the door.

         "Eva," Frederick called after me as he followed me inside but I completely ignored him, focused instead on what was standing in front of me.

         "What the fuck is she doing here?" I asked under my breath when Karlie waved her manicured hand my way, when I finally walked back inside. Frederick shook his head before whispering in my ear about not knowing why she would show up, since he hadn't invited her, and that if I gave him a second he would surely take care of it and that I shouldn't worry.

         But I was having none of that. I was tired of Karlie always winning and me letting it happen. I was done playing nice and I was going to tell her exactly what I thought of her.

        "Oh, hey Eva, I haven't seen you in a little while." She smiled as I approached her, making my way through the people just standing around and pretty oblivious of the little drama that was sure to unfold. "Sorry you missed the appointment last week but don't worry, you'll still have time to_"

         She stopped talking the second I grabbed her arm tightly and started moving towards Frederick's office. I didn't even care she had four to five inches on my own 5'5 height. "You and I need to talk."

         I pushed her inside the office the second I opened the door, before stepping in myself, Frederick following behind us.

         "Finally, someone grew a back bone. I was starting to think that Frederick was always going to fight your battles and always rescue you." Karlie laughed as she turned to face me. I frowned. What was even she talking about?

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