~Thirty Nine~

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(Frederick's POV )

        My phone vibrated in my pocket. In fact, it has been vibrating for quite awhile now but I just didn't have the heart or didn't even care enough to answer it or at least see who it was.

         It hadn't been easy, but I had finally been able to convince Billie to go home and actually rest and recuperate instead of spending all her time at this hosptial and only allowing Charlotte and Darcy to drop by the penthouse for items that we needed for Eva's stay at the hospital.

         It had taken a lot of convincing from my part, but after having spent a week in this hospital room basically glued to Eva's bedside and completely ditching work, Billie had finally agreed to go home but very reluctantly. I couldn't blame her. I hadn't left Eva's side since I had brought her in this hospital, except for my daily stops at Karlie's place which had been unsuccessful in finding her or even where she might have been hiding.

        Karlie had ditched her apartment and with her went my child that I had never even gotten the chance to see and hold for the first time. How evil could a person be to not even flinch at the thought of cutting a woman open and taking out her baby and leaving said woman bleeding to death and hanging to life by a thread.

        Karlie had taken from my family something incredibly precious; a life, and so, as I sat right there holding on to Eva who's been unresponsive even though her operation had been successful, I swore on the life of my daughter that Karlie would wish she had never met me once I get my hands on her.

         My phone started vibrating all over again and so with a heavy heart, my eyes still glued on Eva who was breathing with the help of a machine, I reached into my pocket to retrieve my phone and delicately let go of Eva's hand (which was attached to so many IV lines that it was impossible to count them or even see her skin) and got upto answer the phone.

         "Maman," I answered the second I walked out of the room.

      "Salut mon grand." My mother happily chirped on the phone while I heard people laughing in the background. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, already feeling a migraine making its way to the surface, while my mom continued speaking. "Je crois que les félicitations sont de rigueurn'est ce pas? Désolé pur l'apelle tardif mais papa et moi étions dans un retrait de couples et les téléphones étaient interdit."

          I stopped a few feet away from Eva's room and thought of the many ways to break the news to my parents without completely breaking their hearts and ruining their happy mood. I stared at Eva on that bed, unable to keep my eyes away even for a second, extremely fearful that something might happen to her if I did so.

         "Maman, Eva est dans un coma."

         There was more laughing in the background which told me that they might still have been on the island for their couple's retreat. 

            "Desolé chéri mais j'ai pas entendu ce que tu as dis, tu peux répéter, S'il te plaît?"

           I groaned silently, taking the phone off my ear for a second while I shifted my weight on my feet.

          "Mom! Something happened and Eva is in the coma, you and dad have to come here because I'm losing it." My voice broke as I spoke, my eyes stinging.

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