«Chapter 13»

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My heart shatters into a thousand pieces and unknown emotions fill me. Something like a mix of anger, guilt, sadness. I look around to see my pack members having the same emotions in their eyes. I look towards Flame and i see her whimper as she shrinks together. I walk over to her and pick her up, almost immediately she falls asleep. "Dismissed!" I yell.

The stream of people slowly flows out of the room, leaving behind only the echo of soft murmur. Cara runs up to me and reaches out a hand to touch Flame. As a instinct i growl at her, causing her to whimper and pull her hand back:"Cara, I'm sorry, i didn't mean to-" I start


"Andy!" I tell her.

"OK, Andy, i completely understand!" She yelps, then she lowers her head to look at Flame:"Poor girl." She murmurs.

I nod and carry Flame upstairs as Cara tags along. I walk into Flames room and gently drop her onto her bed. "Uhm, Cara?" I whisper.


"Can you, Uhm, you know, change her dress into something more comfortable?" I ask her.

She nods and runs out of the room. I sit down next to Flame and stroke her forehead:"Oh Flame, i should've been there for you. I'm so sorry, I've been the worst brother ever. I should've tried to find you instead of just sitting here and complain of my issues as Alpha. You know i used to feel hurt, every day I felt as if someone was hurting me, as if no one liked me. I never knew where those emotions came from but now i do. They came from you Flame, were twins and our wolves are connected. I'm sorry you had to feel like that. I'm sorry you had to go trough that. I'm sorry Flame, I'm sorry Atlanta."

My voice sounds hoarse and broken as a drop of salty water escapes my eyes and drops onto her forehead. I wipe it away with my thumb as i hear someone cooing behind me. I turn my head to see Xavier standing in the doorway, a sad smile decorating his face. He walks over to me and sits next to me. "She had to go trough so much." He whispers.

I nod and swallow the lump in my throat. "It's all my fault. I should've been there for her, while i wasn't." I say.

He shakes his head in response:"You couldn't have done anything Dyl- or Andrew."

I smile a bit of it as my thoughts bring me back to the two people who are our real people. I wonder who our real parents are.

"Don't worry Andy, you'll find you're real parents." Xavier says.

I must've said that out loud.

Xavier nods:"you did!"

I open my mouth to reply but Xavier gets pushed to the side by Clara, who scurries into the room. She stops next to Flames bed and looks at both of us. When me and Xavier don't do anything she points at the door and realisation hits me in the face, she's carrying a night suit for Flame.

As I make my way to the door Xavier mumbles:"I won't mind seeing her hot body."

I growl at him and give him a death stare, causing him to flinch away and follow me outside of the room.

I walk down the stairs and bump into someone, causing the stuff that they were holding to slide across the floor. I gasp muttering a small sorry before dropping onto my knees and picking up the files.

I stand back up and meet a pair of baby blue eyes. "Trey!" I yell while doing the whole man hug thing.

"Dyl?" He asks me.

I shake my head:"Call me Andy, I'll explain why later but you were having a bonfire in the night sky pack?" I ask him. Yep, Trey is the alpha of the night sky pack.

He nods:"Yeah, that's exactly what i came for, my music taste is awful and i was wondering if you could help me choose the songs!" He squeals like a excited girl.

I muffle a laugh and give him a small smile:"I've got the perfect idea!" I yell back.

"Care to explain?"

I nod before telling him about Flame, how i found her and what had happened, every single thing in full detail. "And now she's fast asleep..." I finish.

Trey is looking at me with his mouth slightly open and his face shows sadness, sympathy, anger. But then those emotions turn into excitement, happiness and joy.

I sigh and walk upstairs, it's 11:00 pm and I'm tired as hell. Tomorrow is September 21st. The first day of autumn, a beautiful season filled with colours, yet it's also the season in which everything dies.

Ugh, school starts on the 6th of January.

I shiver at my own words as i strip my clothing off till I'm only in my red with white polka dot boxers. I slip underneath the bedsheets and fall into a deep, restless sleep.

"Andrew? Andrew? " a voice calls.

I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm not in my room anymore. I'm in an empty, white endless space.

A beautiful cream carpet leads towards a even prettier silver throne with white cushions. It's has swirls in it and a beautiful crescent moon.

I hear footsteps so i look behind me to see a gorgeous woman walking up to me. She's wearing a black sparkly dress with a silver crescent moons and a couple of stars stitched in it, making her grey eyes pop out like full moons at midnight.

From underneath the dress i can see a silver tip of her heels peeking out every time she takes a step. She is wearing a sparkly white headband around her pitch back hair, everything about her screamed 'Goddess' no, NOT the s-Goddess but a real goddess.

She walks over to me and puts her hand on my hair. Then she mutters a couple of words about: sanguinem or something.

She lifts my chin with her two fingers and in her moons of eyes i can see my reflection, making me gasp. Who is she? Why is she here? Why am i here?

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