«Chapter 15»

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Leo (remember him?)

~also, he thinks that Flame/Reds name is Samantha.

I don't know what happening to me. One second I feel like searching for that mutt if a sister and kill her. The next second, guilt starts eating me alive.

I smash my head against my desk, groaning. Why does it have to be so complicated? Why all of these opinion change swings?

Then it hits me, the elders might be able to help, maybe they know. I push my chair backwards and walk out of my room, when somebody yells:"DINNER!"

I shake my head, dinner these days is disgusting, maybe if that mutt of a sister was still here, we won't have to suffer. But then she would suffer. What's wrong with me?

Ignoring the call for dinner, i walk outside, when i realise that I didn't even bother to put my shoes on.

The cold, wet grass tickles my feet, bringing back old memories.

-Leo when he was 14:

I laugh as i roll around in the grass. Theo is next to me, poking my belly, making me laugh so hard that my eyes start to water. That's when i feel the presence of another being.

I quickly jump onto my feet, ignoring Theo's bewildered expression. Only a couple of feet away i see my mum and dad, a smile creeps up onto my face, but instantly drops when i see the children they're holding.

They look almost identical, except for some stuff.

The girl has pitch black hair and red eyes. Definitely werewolf, humans can't have red eyes.

The boy has blonde, almost gold, hair and blue eyes. His smell indicated that he too is a werewolf, and the girls twin.

Mum and dad walk over to us, the 2 children walking next to them confidently, looking me straight into the eyes. That shocks me, children younger than me normally try to hide, or avoid my gaze or whatever.

My inner ego immediately hates them. How dare they? As a reflex, i bare my teeth at them. The boy shifts his gaze to the ground but the girl still looks at me, challenging me.

I faintly hear some screams as i launch myself at her. Before i know what's happening, I'm on the floor, the girls foot holding me down. The wet grass prickles against my ear, no longer pleasuring me.

-15 year old Leo

"It's her fault Theo! It's her fault!" I yell.

He shakes his head:"Leo, she has nothing to do with this. She... she didn't do anything, it was the rogues, they wanted mum and dad, not her!"

I raise my eyebrow at him before firing the next question:"Her scent was strong! If she wasn't there, her scent wouldn't have been traced!"

Theo sighs before answering me:"Look Leo, that isn't her fault. And anyway, she's the only family we have left! We should treat her like a diamond!"

"She isn't even our real sister!" I mumble, before walking off.

I can hear Theo gasp and scream something behind me, but i ignore it, as in blinded by rage. That mutt, how dare she get my parents killed!?

I had been blinded by rage back then, making me hit her multiple times.

I bump into something hard and as i look up to shout at the person, i realise that it's just a tree. Oh wait, it's the elders tree.

I touch the brown wood, tracing a crescent moon shape with the tips of my fingers. The next second a bit of wood shifts, making way for me.

I crawl trough the opening and slide down, towards the elders. The room is dark, all i can see is a couple of candles, that don't even light anything.

"Why are you here son?" A deep voice booms thought the hollow tree trunk.

"I have been experiencing weird things." I start. "I seem to be, you know, changing my opinion every second."

I hear a slight crack, indicating that the elder that was talking to me has stood up. More squeaks and something heavy places itself on top of my head.

According to its shape, i assume that it's the elders hand. "Oh dear." Is what the elder whispers.

"You my child, are undergoing a change." He continues.

"What, what change?" I stutter.

"You're wolf was blinded by anger before, well now that the anger has disappeared and you have realised you're mistakes, you're wolf had to adjust."

"But, why is the anger disappearing now? It could've happened before! And why all of a sudden!"

"Oh Leo, you have a lot to learn. There's more to it than just anger, but you will have to find out yourself. I advice you to go to ASN, you'll find out everything slowly."

I nod in the direction of the voice, until the words start to make sense. "ASN? As in, Academy for SuperNaturals? But that's all the way in the City of SuperNaturals. CSN!"

The elder laughs and i feel the heavy object being lifted of if my hand. He whispers a faint 'good luck'. After which i am teleported back to the front of the tree.

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