Chapter Eighteen: No Mental Hospital Will Accept Her.

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I had to update...i just had too add the audio at the top :)

Chapter Eighteen: "No Mental Hospital Will Accept Her."

I WAS AT MY LOCKER. I had gotten to school earlier than I usually did and waited for Mary Anne to meet me r as I gathered my books into bag.

I had thrown my dance bag inside the small space when more students had flooded the school and were walking through the hallway. I heard some of the dancers had morning practice and could tell when some of them passed by me and waved.

I waved back, not knowing a single one of their names. They knew mine because of the whole World Championship thing that I did not feel the need to brag about but I've heard some of them especially the younger ones talk about me.

I turned back to my locker when someone had walked up to me. My first focus was on their black uniform shoes then traveled my way up to his face, the glasses that were absent from his face and the black beanie on his head. "Hey." Lucas said in a low voice, giving me a small smile that still managed to show his dimples.

"Hi." I said to him, lugging my backpack on my back and closing my locker.

"How are you?" He asked me.

I couldn't help but give him a dry look. "You saw me yesterday."

He shrugged. "A lot can happen in a day Sydney."

Ain't that the truth.

"Did you do the homework?"

"I always do the homework." I told him. "Lucas, what do you want?" I asked him, not in a rude way but there must have been a logical reason as to why he came up to me in the morning. Not that I didn't want him to.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Okay?" I asked confused.

"Yeah after what happened, yesterday, during dinner. I'm sorry for what happened with my brother-"

"Don't apologize for what your brother asked." I told him.

"Well he shouldn't have asked it."

"It's fine."

Lucas shook his head, exhaling. "No, he shouldn't have asked the question if he knew it would bother you and I know that it bothered you."

"It didn't-"

Lucas sighed and put a hand on my arm, making hold in my breath. "Sydney I know that it affected you. You became quieter...than you usually and you only ate one pizza. Clearly I know that it made an impact on you. Don't lie to me."

I sighed, looking over at the mural of a mermaid on the large wall across from my locker before looking back at him. "Okay, yeah it kind of bothered me."

"I figured," He said. "I tried messaging you last night you didn't reply either."

I could hear my heart beating in my ears. "I kind of turned off my phone and stuff for space. I barely even spoke to my mom. Sorry but honestly I'm okay."

Lucas nodded slowly and took a step back, dropping his hand from my arm. He looked as if he was about to leave when suddenly he stopped himself. "Has Joey said anything to you?"

"Like what?"

"Anything rude, practically threatening just anything Joey?"

I hesitated. I didn't want him to be bothered by what Joey had told me yesterday. What he would do if I got Lydia mad again. It felt like an empty threat but deep down inside me I knew Joey had the capability to 'ruin my life'.

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