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I look around at the dark night and see only my hand. Just my hand. I'm not scared, should I be scared? I have just escaped my house like an hour ago and it's 11:00 PM. I was sick and tired of Garred and I needed some alone time. The only place I really knew to go was the woods next to our house. I sat on the damp ground and cried, rivers streaming down my face, onto the dirt. 
I heard some twigs snapping in the distance and I could sense that someone was there, watching me. I stared in the dark and kept my mouth shut. I was hoping it was just a trick of my imagination but after what the police found at my house, I don't think this was my imagination.
I also knew that the police officer was nearby and I could run up to scream for him. I first needed to know if there was someone there. I crept up from the ground and started walking slowly towards my house. Then I heard the second twig snap, and I knew that someone was there this time. I raced across the woods and I tripped, like always, face first into the ground.
I yelled for help, but no one heard me. I screamed another time, hoping that since I was closer someone would actually hear me. I scrabbled faster until I saw the police car nearby. I yelled one last time, and finally I saw someone's hand wrap around my waist. Finally, someone here to save me. I twist my head around and stare deep into the eyes of.... a dark creepy mask. The type that are always in those horror movies. The type that nightmares are mad of. I scream and try to untangle my hands but I can't. Then out of thin air, he disappears. I then realize that what I had just seen had been all of my imagination. I laugh at myself and start to walk home.

I see my house. My house.
I start to think about how we are supposed to feel loved and safe in our own house... But I don't feel that... It's really sad to think about how my home is not safe. 
I run across the woods not looking back. I feel the twigs scratch at my legs and I see my house appear closer and closer. While I was running, I was thinking about if I was going to tell my mom about my brain playing tricks on me. Is it necessary? 
When I arrive home, Maggie runs up to me and throws her arms around me. I can feel her crying on my shoulder.
"Where were you?" Asked my mom, looking all over me to see if I was injured or hurt.

"In the woods, just thinking about life," I smiled. That was a horrible lie.

 "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Maggie looks at me into my eyes. 

"Nothing, I guess I was just tired." I lied yet again. 

I go to my room and lay down, but then I hear Garred's footsteps. I hear the creeks of the wood floor while he crosses my room. He has just arrived home from work. I bet he's gonna start yelling at everyone. Why did he have to come home?
 At 11:45 PM, I finally drifted to sleep... while listening to my parents fight.

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