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Today is my first normal day in maybe weeks. I actually have fun and pay attention in school today. I don't care about Garred entering the house or anything all I care about us my mom getting home safely and sound, I have realized that they best thing to do is just ignore Garred completely. I am just done with him. He hurts me so much that I am so tired. I stand outside and the wind sort of carries me away. I let myself fall to the ground. The snow blasts up when I hit he ground. I lay in the coldness of the snow and I can feel my skin starting to get really numb. What if I die in this snow, right now? What would happen after? It's crazy to think about but when you want to escape that is all you're thinking about. Ways to escape. I mean there are many more and dying is the last option on my list so I will do anything for death not to be at the top of my list. What other ways could I escape this tragedy? I have no more ideas left. They are all gone.

I feel dead, just like Maggie right now. It's crappy. This feeling of freaking nothing.

The snow falls on me and its coldness holds me like a hug.

I drift to sleep into the snow. I wake up a minute later and I am freezing.

I walk into the room and start to read a book that Ben gave me it was a story he made in elementary school. 

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