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February 27, 2015

Dear Claire,

I miss you so much....You don't know how much I miss you.

I really want to understand why you did this, but I cant.... I cant. Why Claire? What were you thinking? Why didn't you ever tell me? Weren't we supposed to tell each other what was going through our head? Life has changed so much... For the worse. People at school always talk about.... I shouldn't be telling you this but I have no one else to talk to. People are always talking about how they always knew you were insane. I punched this kid in the throat two days ago because he said you did what you did because you were an attention seeker.... I know it's not true, it's NOT. I know what we went through... I know it was hell. I'm so sorry Claire, I'm so very sorry I couldn't help your pain. I'm sorry you had to do this for me. Please forgive me.

Ben is trying to cope, he can't and he's in the hospital because he.... He had an accident.

Susanne and Johnny are very off. They don't talk at all, they are still in shock. I know it's been a month since the murder, but something like this... Claire.

Claire.... I need you. I can't live without you. Where are you? 

You're all over the news and I see you everywhere. What happened to the Claire I knew, the one that was so kind and nice and never meant harm to anyone... What happened Claire? Please tell me.

I thought you said we needed to be strong?

I thought you said we would always stick together?

I thought you said you wouldn't let the dark thoughts in?

Please come back...

Ellie Hungher.

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