Chapter 17

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It's been 4 months now, and Emily is still out of the country. No text messages, no calls, she doesn't even respond when I call or text her.

Every weekend I would go to their house to check if she'd got back.

I pressed their doorbell and waited for them. I pressed again but no one came. I turned the knoband went in.

My eyes widened in shock. Their house is a mess, the furniture is all broken, and Uncle Tom's gun is on the floor.

Something happened to them. Something might of happened to Emily too.

I rushed outside and got into my car. I started the engine and drove to the police station and reported what I saw. I'm not going to stop until I find Emily.


My eyes flickered open and I saw a beige room. My old clothes are gone, I was wearing a yellow Sunday dress. I'm very sure I'm not in a hospital... Oh no, mom.

I gently stood up. I held on to the bed for support, I felt like I'm carrying a 1000 pound weigh on my back. In every step I make, my body seems to get heavier and heavier.

I made my way to the door and opened it. I walked out side and found myself in an unfamiliar hallway. Then I heard footsteps coming.

Happiness filled inside me when someone else is here.

My happiness was drained down when I saw Daniel with a tray of breakfast.

"No..." He looked to me and gave me a smile.

"You shouldn't be out of bed, you're still weak." He placed the tray on the ground and walked to me.

"No. Why am I here?! Where's mom?!" I yled at him withpure anger.

"You've been in a coma for 2 months. And the doctors asked what I am to you. I told them that I was your fiancé."

F-fiancé? I looked at my hand and saw a new ruby ring. The engagement ring that Derek gave me was gone.

"W-where's mom?" I asked.

"Huh. You know, you're mom is quite a chatter box. I've been stuck with her alone in this house for 2 months. I really wanted to cut her tounge and I wanted to slit her throat so badly!" He laughed evily.

"Let's get you to your bed." He carried me to my bed and I lied there.

He went back out and got the tray of breakfast. He placed it over my legs and he started ti cut my food.

"Eat darling. You're going to need the energy for tomorrow." He stood up and turned around, but before he could leave I spoke.

"Tomorrow? What happens tomorrow?"

He gave me a smirk and said, "Our wedding day, sweetheart. I can't wait any longer for you to be mine legally." He kept smiling there like the maniac he is.

"Oh... Okay..." He nodded and left the room.

I put my hands on my face and started to cry. What has my life become? I started to think that the only way out of here was death.

How could he forgive me for what I've done?

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