Chapter 12

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.The past two days had been complicated and annoying. I tried ignoring Lindsey to the best of my ability and flat out just avoided David any chance that I could. I didn't want any more questions or the subjects of mates brought up again. Somehow, I knew they would push their crazy beliefs on me. I hadn't been asked my father about the mate issue because I didn't want him to think this pack was affecting me and request I come home.

Luckily Raul hadn't tried contacting me since the dinner either, today was the day we were supposed to meet the Alpha though so I would have to see him. And when school was over there he was leaning against Lindsey's care. David was apparently going to be driving Raul and I to the pack house so he had to meet us here.

When Lindsey heard she wasn't going to be accompanying us she was pissed but a few words from David and she was reluctantly willing to go home. I was glad she left because I wasn't going to be held responsible if anything happened to her.

Driving up to the pack house this time was different than before, this time they all knew who I was. They knew I was an Alpha's daughter and that I had betrayed them.

David looked at me through the rear-view mirror, "I still don't understand how you were able to hide your scent from us." His question threw me off, I already explained this to Lindsey and him. Then I realized he was trying to cover my butt, pretending I hadn't told him any of this information.

"I am from a lineage of pure-blooded Alphas, blessed by the goddess herself, we have more abilities than those like you who fought for their power." I said the first half proudly and hoped David didn't take the second half offensively. I needed Raul to think these people weren't my friends.

"Any other abilities we should know of?"

"Those other abilities are none of your concern." Raul growled next to me. Having Raul around made me timid, I wasn't myself around him. The car was silent from then on out. The closer we got to the pack the more my head hurt.

Raul must have noticed something was wrong, "¿Estás enferma? He didn't ask out of care and that's what bothered me, he asked because he didn't want anything to go wrong.

"No, estoy bien." I couldn't let Raul see any weakness in me, I knew even if it was temporary he would exploit it.

"Hablaré con el jefe y no vas a hablar con los otros hombres-lobos Alejandra." (I will speak to the Alpha and you will not speak to the other werewolves Alejandra). I nodded in acceptance. He had just completely taken over my mission, and I had to let him.

I saw David catch my eyes in the mirror, he looked concerned. I broke eye contact so as not to alert Raul that David knew something was wrong. David knew enough Spanish to pick up on what Raul was saying. The moment I stepped out of the car I was hit with a scent that made me stumble. It smelled so good, so intoxicating, but at the same time made me want to hurl. I didn't understand why my body was doing this.

"Are you okay Alejandra?" David whispered. Noticing Raul's eyes on me I nodded and walked towards the house, every step feeling a little weaker.

"The Alpha is in his study I will take Alejandra to him." David declared to us. Shock and fear went through me. This is the exact opposite of what Raul wanted.

"No." Raul interceded us from walking in the house, "I will speak to your Alpha on behalf of our pack." He stood tall challenging David's authority.

"He wishes only to speak with Alejandra. It was her who was sent to speak to him. You need something from our pack not the other way around. So either she speaks with him or you can both go home."

David stood his ground which impressed me, Raul hated the fact he wouldn't be in there to control me but he would have to deal with it.

"Fine." He hissed, looking at me he communicated, I had better hear every word he says to you as he says it. You may be in there but I will speak through you. Do you understand?

I lowered my head in submission and Raul smiled. When I looked at David he was also smiling. He had to know what Raul had just asked me to do? He couldn't believe that Raul would just hand the reigns over, so why was he smiling?

"Right this way Alejandra." He threw Raul a look of disgust before leading me through the front door.

When the door closed David raised an eye brow at me, "are you seriously engaged to that piece of shit?"

"He has the blood of a pure Alpha in him. It is my duty to keep it flowing throughout the generations."

"That sounds rehearsed from a textbook Alejandra. Do you love him?" David questioned.

"Love is not necessary to lead a pack." This is what I had always been taught, it is what I believed.

"You're about to see differently" he murmured as he opened the door to what I presumed was the Alpha's study.

The man in front of me was taller than me, maybe six feet or a little more. He had bright blond hair and shocking blue eyes just like David. He was gorgeous. I had this dangerous pull to him that I couldn't understand.

I breathed in his alluring scent and felt pain shoot through my abdomen. Within a split second I was in his arms. Everywhere he touched me burned in pain.

"I just found you, you can't die Alejandra!" I sent out a blood curdling scream as pain ripped through my body. My vision doubled before turning black. I heard the door burst open and shouting but I couldn't focus on whose voices they were.

Finally the pain became too much and I passedout, not sure if I would wake upe


Bum Bum Bum so what do you all think is causing Alejandra to be in so much pain? And what do you think of the Alpha so far?

Please vote and comment :D

Once again feel free to correct my poor Spanish skills and for my lack of accents :)

Until next time

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