Chapter 21

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(Brendon POV)

Hearing her scream in pain was agonizing; even after letting her lay back on the bed, she still writhed in pain. I had to pin her down to keep her from hurting herself. As her mark from Raul began to burn away, she tried grabbing it and scratching her skin.

My brother heard her screams and ran into the room; Lindsey was right behind him. "Call Aurora!" I yelled at him.

Lindsey slowly approached the bed, "W-What is wrong with her?"

"I am marking over that bastards' claim on her." Just thinking about him made me angry, all the things he almost forced Alejandra into.

Suddenly, Alejandra stopped moving. Fear flooded through me until I heard her breathing. She was okay, just passed out. Placing a small kiss on her forehead, I whispered words of assurance and a prayer up to the goddess. As I got off, my mate Aurora walked into the room.

"How is she?"

"She just passed out from the pain." Trying to stand, I almost fell over; my brother was there to help me stand in a flash.

"You need to relax, Brendon. You need to sleep as much as she does right now." Aurora may not have been a wolf, but she was a luna and one of the three leaders of the witches; she was probably the only one I would take orders from.

"Why am I so tired?" I felt so weak. David helped me into the bed.

"You are exhausted because you just tried breaking a very dark and powerful spell." Aurora scoffed. I think she was slightly butt hurt that she could not break it with her magic.

"Tried?" Did I not succeed? She walked over to Alejandra and examined her, letting her magic flow through my mate's body.

Her expression told me everything. The spell was still there. "It is there but faint; she shouldn't be sick anymore."

"How do I get rid of it completely, Aurora? I can't live knowing there is a block between us like this. Her father had no right to do this to her!" My breathing was becoming short, and I could feel myself trying to shift. I needed to calm down.

"When you mate her, the spell will completely be broken. It will be painful, but you two will be fully connected once the spell is broken. No ceremony into the pack will be necessary."

She had to go through so much pain because her father wanted to maintain a stupid bloodline. The prejudice against regular wolves was ridiculous. Yes, purebloods tended to be bigger and stronger. Still, the goddess could give gifts to ordinary wolves as well. I am a great example of that if you can call it a gift.

"Thank you, Aurora, David, Lindsey. I'm going to try and get some rest now."

They nodded and began to leave, "oh and Lindsey, how are your parents doing?"

She smiled, but there was sadness in it, "they are good; they don't remember a thing about Alejandra coming to stay with us." David wrapped his arm around her as they proceeded to leave.

Needing to see one last thing before I slept, I pulled down the shoulder of Alejandra's shirt. Instead of the lone wolf marking, Raul gave her sat our mark for each other. Two wolves dancing in a circle. The two wolves looked identical to us. Laying down in the bed, I pulled her close. The thought of her earlier that day in her wolf form left me smiling as I fell asleep. 

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