Part 4

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We arrived at the airport and went through security and all that. We finally got to our gate and we had around forty minutes to kill. So I told my mother and father that I was going to do some looking around before we took off. And Derek being Derek insisted coming along so I will be safe. But like come on Im a giant wolf. Well suppose to be anyways, so Im pretty sure I don't need protecting.

'Of course you do. You don't even know how to shift. Much less we don't even know how painful it will be the first time you shift. It usually takes a few seconds but Ive heard it feels like forever.' I heard Lilly say a little scared.

About thirty minute had passed, Derek and I had gotten some food to eat and we were heading back to our gate when I spelt the same smell that was radiating off of Ryan when I officially met him in the woods.

'Ryan?' I asked randomly out of no where. But I did it because I could feel a strong connection pulling me in the same direction of our boarding gate.

'......' No reply.

I guess it was just my imagination. Derek and I had gotten to our gate and I had to use the ladies room before we boarded our flight. On the way out I felt someone grab my arm and cover my mouth and pull me out of sight. I struggled to get loose but this person's grip just wasn't budging. But then I realized all the sparks flying through my body and I spun around so quick it would put a prima ballerina to shame.

"Ryan what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Seeing you of course. Plus we have the same flight." Ryan said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"How? I mean, there were no seats left on the plan." I said dumbfounded.

"Well it just so happens that I, and a few of my close friends who are pack members, had booked tickets a month ago." He said as he took out his ticket and he was right. He actually bought his ticket before my family did.

"So where are you sitting?" Ryan asked as he and I walked to our gate right before the boarding announcement was made.

"Coach. How about you?" I asked a little shyly.

"First Class." Ryan said looking down a bit but also a little annoyed .

"Hey whats wrong?" I asked as I nudged his side with my elbow.

"Afraid some other guy might sit next to me and try to take me for himself?" I said laughing

But that flicked some sort of switch inside him. He took my hand and again with those crazy sparks. He went up to the front desk and asked if there were four first class seats open by him.

'Why is he asking if there is four. He said he already paid for his friends. So why is he asking that?' I asked Lilly.

'I think it is quite obvious that you made him realize he can't protect you if he is in first class and your in coach. Im thinking maybe he is going to get those four seats for your family.' Lilly said in awe. I could see her laying down and putting her head in her paws as she dozed off to sleep inside my head.

I was completely shocked. I had to stop him. I couldn't let him do this. I mean my family doesn't have that kind of money to pay him back if he buts us first class tickets.

"Ry-" I was cut short when the lady said yes and that they were available.

"Okay I will take them." Ryan said immediately.

"Ryan what are you doing you don't have to do that. I was only joking around." I said as I quickened my pace to jeep up with him as he approached my family.

My mom, dad, and Derek were quite surprised. Not with the tickets, but more with who was giving them.

"What is going on here do they know him and they just didn't tell me they did." I whispered to myself.

They then looked to me and smiled. But its what my mother said next that really shocked me.

"Why didn't you tell us you found your mate Marie!" My mother said as her face lit up.

"Wait you know about what I am?" I said taken back that they would hide this from me for seventeen years.

"Of course we do. We are close friends of Ryan's pack." My father said as he picked up his and mom's things as we boarded to FIRST CLASS.

"Here let me get that for you." Ryan said as he took my carryon that I was struggling to pull.

"Ummm...thanks." I said with heated blushing cheeks.

Well apparently my seat was next to Ryan's. Of course. Then Derek, mom, and dad's seats were in the middle lane. In my side lane it went me, Ryan, some girl from the pack, and the beta of the pack. I only knew that because Ryan told me he was alpha.

"Ladies and gentleman we please ask you to secure all belongings and buckle your seat belts for take off. Thank you for choosing woodland
flights and enjoy your flight." I heard the pilot say over the intercom. And so we were off.

I know this is short but it is meant to be a filler plus it is late right now. Hope you enjoyed.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now