Part 24

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'Today is the last day to get matted to him or the bond will break!' Lily exclaimed her voice full of fear. I was also scared and didn't want to loose him.

"Do it." I said. When I said that, it was Ryan who had control and was surprised and I could sense that Lily was all happy and so was Leo.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asked.

"Yes I'm sure. Today is the last day to be matted to you or we loose the bond forever. And I don't want to loose you." I said to him, my voice full of certainty, love, hope, and a bit of fear because the thought of loosing him scared me half to death.

"Please." I pleaded to him.

"I thought you would never ask." Ryan said with a smile and then kissed me deeply as his hands roamed over my whole body.

I combed my hands through his soft hair as I deepened are kiss further. He let out a growl of lust when I pulled back and let out a moan when he trailed kisses down my neck then on my mark. I unbuttoned his shirt as he undid his pants and he was now in his boxers.

"Plaid? How manly." I teased and he kissed me again.

His hands roamed down then stopped and looked at me for reassurance and I nodded my head. And he proceeded, I took the opportunity of his distraction to lean up and kiss his mark. He growled and pushed me back down as he trailed even more kisses down my whole body. Lets just say that this morning was one of the best moments of my life.

I woke up around eleven wrapped up in the warm blankets. I flipped over to see an empty bed space next to me. It wasn't warm so that meant he left a few hours ago. I saw a note on the table next to my side of the bed, I picked it up and it said:

'This morning was one of the best moments of my life. I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for us both. I am in my office finishing up some royal alpha paper work and should be done at twelve.' I smiled as I put the note in a keepsake box I have had since I was a little kid.

I got changed and made my way down stairs and into the kitchen to get some food because I didn't have any breakfast. I have an hour before Ryan is done with his work. What should I do till then? Maybe I will spare with Ashley so I can improve my skills, not that they were already good because of how much of a natural I am, but just to stay on my toes.

"Hey Ashley, do you think we could spare after I am done eating?" I asked her when she entered the kitchen as I was finishing up the last of my food.

"Sure." She said with a smile.

I finished my food and put my plate in the sink and started heading to the training field with Ashley. After a full hour of sparing with her, we decided to call it a match and head back to the pack house. When we entered the pack house I was bombarded by two little kids running up to me. One of them was a little girl who was crying and the other was a little boy. I didn't know what happened but it was almost like instinct, I picked up the little girl and comforted her and asked her what was wrong.

"My b-brother took m-my doll and won't g-give it back." She said as she tried to stop crying. I looked at the little boy and asked him why he took her doll.

"I was ganna give it back after she stopped teasing me." He said looking down.

"Well how about you give her back her doll and apologize to her." I said to him as I put the little girl down.

"And you should apologize to your brother for teasing him." I said as I crouched down to their level.

They nodded their heads and apologized to each other and her brother took her hand and led her in a direction that I'm guessing is where her doll is. I stood back up.

"What a good Luna you already are. And what a good mother you will be one day." I heard a deep male voice.

"I wasn't thinking, I just did it like it was instinct." I said to Ryan as he walked up to me and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

1 month later

It has been a month since I have been mated to Ryan. I was beginning to notice that I was late on my period and I was trying to think of reasons why I haven't gotten it yet, trying to convince myself that the most obvious reason wasn't the reason why. The sudden smell of bacon drifted up to the room and into the bathroom. When I smelled it I suddenly felt nauseous and ran over to the toilet and vomited up whatever food was left in my stomach from last nights dinner. I heard a knock at the bathroom door.

"Marie, are you okay?" I heard Ashley ask as she opened the door to see my current situation.

"Marie!" She said rushing over to me and feeling my forehead.

"Well you don't have a fever. But something smells different about you. Like it's someone else's scent, but it's not Ryan's or anyone in this pack for a matter of fact." She said as she helped me up.

"Umm, Ashley...I haven't gotten my period this month." I said a little scared.

"Come here let me see something real quick." She said and I did as I was told.

She put a hand to my stomach and her ear against my stomach.

"Oh my gosh!" She said standing up.

"What? What is it?" I asked frantic.

" are pregnant." She said in a low voice only I could hear.

"What!" I screamed.

My face paled and I felt a little dizzy at the thought of it. Ashley held me up right and said nothing. As I slowly took in all of what just happened I looked down at my stomach and put a hand on it. The motion made my stomach warm my hand and I felt a little bit of movement. I smiled when I finally realized that I was going to be a mom.

"It's not uncommon for wolfs at our age for this to happen if it helps you any." Ashley said.

"No it's not that. I'm really happy now that I am finally understanding why this happened." I said with a smile.

Ashley smiled at me and then we both started screaming. There was the sudden sound of rushing footsteps rushing up the stairs and into the bathroom.

"What happened!" Ryan said rushing over to me and wrapping a protective arm around me.

My stomach warmed again at his touch. And it made me smile. She knows who her daddy is. I know that the gender is a mystery right now but its just a feeling in my heart that it is a girl. Then there was a kick. Ouch. I forgot wolf pups grow faster than normal babies.

"What was that?" Ryan said removing his arm from around me and then stepping in front of me.

I decided not to say because I wanted to see how fast he would realize. Ashley was enjoying Ryan's confused face and so was I but we kept on our poker faces. Ryan stared at me, taking all of me in. Then his eyes stopped on my stomach. He then looked at me, and walked slowly up so me and placed his hand on my stomach and another kick from the baby. Ouch!

"Are you?" He asked, and I saw the hope in his eyes.

"Yes." I said a smile spreading across my face.

He leaned in close to me and kissed me on the lips then pulled back and hugged me.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He said.

"And I'm going to be an aunt!" Ashley said, even though she wasn't blood related, she was the closest person I had to a sister.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن