Chapter 18

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Chapter 18- Ella's POV

"What's the meaning of that note?" my brother asked when he saw that I wasn't going to say anything. He got up from the kitchen table, which he had been using as a chair. I looked at him, taking in his facial expression. He looked angry... but there was something else too . It was sadness. And right then, I felt so sorry for him. He really did care about me.

He walked up to me, stopping right in front of me. "Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" he asked, looking at me. 

I closed my eyes, remembering how close him and I used to be before everything changed our lives. It took all I could to open my eyes, look into his and lie right to his face.  

"I- I don't know," I stuttered. "Whatever it is, it wasn't meant for you." My brother frowned. "It's addressed to Malcolm," he said."So yeah, it was for me. And anyway, I found it in my Latin book, and that had my name on it. Someone definitely wanted me to see it." 

I took a deep breath. Whoever was messing with Edward was now messing with me as well. I was caught at crossroads between what Nathan wanted and what this crazy stalker wanted.  

What Nathan wanted... it was more like what I wanted. Nathan had offered me the chance to let go of the dare and move on, but I just couldn't. Why? Because Edward was all I wanted. He meant everything to me, because I had nothing in my life. But he was there for me , and he cared.  

"Tell me, what has been going on between you and that teacher?" Malcolm said, distracting my thoughts. I just shook my head. 

"You know I'm not like that," I said in a muffled tone.  

"I know you're not, but what about him? He's a handsome guy and I'm sure he could get whoever he wants." 

Just like you, then, I thought. "Well, I don't want him. He's just a teacher to me. And if he could really get anybody he wanted, he would't want me." 

"He looked like he did. I could see it in his eyes, how he was looking at you the whole time I was there. And he looked like he was so much more than a teacher. I'm worried about you, Ella. The note I got said that you're messing around with two teachers. Do you know how dangerous that is? For starters, you could get expelled. And tell me, what would you do if that happened? Your whole future would be at stake!" Malcolm paused to take a deep breath, and continued the lecture after a couple of seconds. "You're 17, not even legal. How old was that guy out there?" 

I shrugged. "I don't know, like 24. Why does it matter?Like I said, he's just a-" 

Malcolm stopped me before I could say anything else. "He's older than 24, Ella. Didn't he ever tell you how old he is? He looks older." 

"I don't see why my art teacher should tell us how old he is," I muttered. 

"But he's not just a teacher, is he," my brother said , pacing around the room. "And who's the other teacher the note mentioned? Surely you're smart enough to know that you can't be with two different people at the same time. and teachers!" 

"It's nothing," I mumbled. 

Malcolm stopped walking and sighed. "Well, please keep it that way, then. I'm not sure if I believe you, but I sure as heck don't want you getting close to older men." 

I stifled a laugh, making it cone out as a snort instead. Yeah, like Malcolm had really given any thought about my life before. Or my mum, for that matter. We were just three people in the same house, living separate lives. I walked past my brother and to my room. I heard him call out to me, "Don't think this conversation is over! We're going to discuss it properly later! And I'm going to keep my eye on you and on that teacher of yours!" 

I ignored him and flopped down on the bed, taking out my phone from my jeans pocket. I went to Contacts, choosing the option 'Add new'. I typed in 'Edward' and copied his number off my hand. I clicked save and put my phone on the bedside table, and glanced at the white ceiling, which was peeling off. Nobody had bothered to keep up with maintenance ever since my father died. 

My eyes started drooping and my eyelids soon shut, making me fall into a dreamless sleep. The sleep lasted longer than I intended it to, and I woke up with a jolt at around 10pm. I sat up and checked the time. Ugh, why had no one bothered to wake me up before? Now it was too late to text Edward, even though he was probably awake. Meh, I couldn't, it would be too rude.  

My stomach grumbled as if on cue. I got up from bed and went to the kitchen, which was surprisingly empty. That meant that mum was already asleep. Tough day at work then. And Malcolm was probably out with his friends. I made myself a sandwich and put it in a small plate, carrying it up to my room. 

I spent the remainder of the evening doing homework at my desk, and I managed to finish most of it before I started feeling sleepy. It was at around 4am that I went to bed, and my brother still hadn't gotten home. Wow, and he's actually worried about me, when he himself spends nights out and gets home drunk every weekend.

The next morning I woke up to a beeping sound. I groaned, wondering who on earth would text me so early in the morning. I grabbed my phone and checked it, realising that it was already 11am, and it was Nathan who had sent me the message.  

The text said, "Good morning ;) don't forget about tonight. We're meeting at 9pm at the club I mentioned yesterday. Can't wait to see you x". 

I replied quickly and got out of bed, walking towards the kitchen.  

The day passed in a blur and the evening soon arrived. I got ready and left the house to catch the bus, which amazingly arrived within a couple of minutes. Just as I sat down, I realised that I had spent a whole day doing homework and cooking, and I had totally forgotten to text Edward. Yeah, I know, cooking is not really my thing, but I thought that I should save my mum some time today.  

I took out my phone and texted, "Hey :)," to Edward. He replied a couple of seconds later, saying, "Is this who I think it is? :)" 

"Depends on whom you think it is." 

"Oh, only the most beautiful girl in the world." 

I blushed instantly when I read that text, and I continued replying to him.  

"Then it's definitely not me. You guessed wrong."  

"Aww come on Ella, you know you really are beautiful." 

" No I'm not." 

"Well to me you are ;) hey, I waited for you to text yesterday." 

"I know I'm sooo sorry, I was sleeping the whole time." 

"Aww don't worry about it, I didn't want to mess Sleeping Beauty's resting time anyway. How did it go with your brother BTW?" 

I sighed at his reply, and decided against telling him the truth about the note and about Malcolm. I texted, "It was OK actually :)". 

"That's great! You're meeting up with Nathan tonight, right?" 

I looked up and realised that the bus had arrived in the town where I was supposed to meet the others. It was a short bus ride, since I lived only two towns away from there. I decided to say goodbye to Edward, since it would be a hassle to text him while at a club, and awkward since Nathan was going to be with me. I wrote, "Yep. I'm meeting them now, so I have to go. I'll talk to you later :)." 

Edward replied instantly. "Alright dear, enjoy it. Oh, BTW Ella?" 

"Yeah?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. I pressed the button on the bus, signaling a stop to the driver, and stood up.  

Edward replied to the text message right then.  

I read the message right after getting off the bus, and my knees felt jelloid.  

"I like you." 

My hands trembled as I replied to the message. 

"I like you too."

I hope you liked the chapter :) Please vote and comment!

Dedicated to SilsweetSadi :)

Sorry for the short and crappy chapter, I have an exam on Friday and I need to study :|

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