Chapter 14 - One (Part 1)

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Thudza was just as surprised as Amadeus when the arena guards threw a scrawny 'humie' into the fighting pit. Chief Dabos banged on a large cymbal hanging next to his throne, signaling the start of the fight. At this sound, usually both Rokuth would pounce towards each other with their fists. However, today was getting from strange to bizarre for Thudza. He just stood there, wondering if this was some sort of trick the Chief was playing on him. His childhood pair, whom he was supposed to fight to the death had just been taken out. In his place, was a scrawny humie.

The scrawny 'humie' stood there with eyes wide open; frozen in terror. Amadeus could not move. Before him was the largest opponent he had ever faced in his life, and this time it was to the death. If the legends were true, not even the Lighvel's power could save him now. The Rokuth had conditioned themselves for battle, undergoing harsh training conditions from birth. This extreme training hardened their skin, making them immune to the elements. This same skin gave them their rock-like appearance and allowed them to fight ferociously on the battlefield without using shields or armor. If the rumors were true, even the strongest Noble magic could only graze their bare skin.

Amadeus got up onto his feet, preparing himself to fight for his life. Rei and Izumi were outside the gates, there would be no reinforcements coming now. He surveyed the scene – a circular arena with a flat ground. He rubbed the sole of his feet on the ground. Sand, this is going to make it hard to run. He took a few steps, circling around Thudza. His right leg still felt stiff, having just been healed. He would have to make the best of the circumstances.

Thudza snorted. What a joke. This weak humie was weaker than No-One, who already was hardly a challenge. Despite this, he remembered his training which taught him never to underestimate the enemy. His combat experience kicked in like second nature, and he lifted up his fists in a defensive stance cautiously. One of his trainer's words of advice echoed in his mind, 'know enemy, smash enemy.' He would do just that, he would first understand what this humie was capable of. Then, he would attack without reservations.

High above, on his throne, Chief Dabos grinned and watched the fight unfold with pleasure. His elite guards had put shackles on No-One and stood with emotionless faces.

Amadeus patted the two icicles sheathed on his belt as he cautiously made a semi-circle around Thudza. Thudza had his guard up, pivoting in place to ensure he did not expose his sides or back. He's studying me, Amadeus thought in surprise. He had thought that the Rokuth had only brute force and relied on animal instincts for battle. Instead of attacking head-on, Thudza was cautious; it was likely that he was well versed in battle tactics.

If the legends were true, the icicles and even the Lighvel would be useless against the adversary that stood before him. Rokuth's were well known for two things. The first was brute strength, whereby even the weakest Rokuth could easily crush a large bear with his bare hands. The second would be that Rokuth's were trained for battle from young, and this training gained them their tough rocky skin which made them immune to all elements and most weapons.

Well, let's see if the legends are true, Amadeus thought as he did a barrel roll to the side which confused Thudza for a moment. Seeing an opening through Thudza's guard, he moved his hand in one swift motion, quickly drawing and flinging an icicle in Thudza's direction. His quick draw was sloppy and clumsy compared to any Izenth warrior but it did the job. His icicle cut through the air swiftly and Thudza was caught off-guard.

Despite being caught off-guard, Thudza had quick reflexes honed through many years of training. He could not dodge the icicle but moved one arm instinctively to deflect the oncoming icicle. Thudza yelled out in pain as the icicle ricocheted off his arm and landed harmlessly in the dusty ground. He stared in disbelief at his arm, where some of his rock hard skin had chipped off from the incredible density of the Izenth icicle.

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