Chapter 1

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"Brandon, seriously no."  I wasn't going to do it. He's asked me dozens of times and I wasn't giving in.

"Nat, come on. For me?" Brandon pleaded with me. His pouty lips and eager eyes made it hard for me to say no to him.  I sighed and reached a hand out to his soft cheek. He put his hand around mine and lowered it to his heart.

"You feel this heart? It only beats for you, babe. So what do you say?" Brandon smiles at me and I melt in his gentle hands. Why must he always do this to me? His long, messy hair and hazel eyes are my kryptonite. He had been bugging me for months to move in with him to his house on Flamingo Road. I had been waiting for just the right time to move in. We've been dating for nearly 3 years now and we love each other with all our hearts. It's the next step in our relationship. And the next step? Marriage which scared me, but was comforted at the thought of spending the rest of my life with my true soulmate. 

I smiled at him and said "Fine, but only if you cut that shaggy hair." Brandon loved his long hair. He thought he was starting a trend.

"What? You don't like my luscious locks?" He playfully answered. "So you will? Move in, I mean?" He sounded excited, hopeful.

"Only because I love you." I answered. Brandon had the ability to make me mushy and lovey-dovey. Something I usually wasn't.  Meeting Brandon had to be one of the best things to ever happen to me in my short life. We met in 1999 at Gold State Hotel and Casino. He was a bell hop and I worked in the gift shop in the lobby. I thought he was cute, but I had a boyfriend so I didn't think much of him. Brandon would always visit me in the gift shop while he was on break. We would talk. Mostly about music, college, and our dreams. When I finally broke up with my boyfiend 4 months later, Brandon swooped right in and picked me up. Sure, I had  boys in the past who I thought I loved, but after loving Brandon, I realized I had no idea what true love was. People doubt us because of our age, 21.

He looked at me with bright eyes and kissed me. "I say this is a cause for celebration." He gets up off his couch and walks into the kitchen. I hear him open cupboards and drawers. I sigh and look around the living home, my future home. This place definitley needs a woman's touch. I start to mentally decorate the living room. Getting off the couch I walk over to the fireplace and take a framed picture of Brandon and one of his cousins from when they were babies. "Brandon Richard Flowers. December 1981." I smile at his chubby cheeks and bald head.  I hear footsteps so I set the picture down and return to my seat on the couch. He returns with champagne and a jewlery box. I watch him carefully set the drinks on the coffee table. He sits down next to me and shyly smiles at me.

"Brandon, what is that?" I fear its a ring, but the box looks too big.

"Don't worry, it's not what you think." He says, reading my mind. "Open it."

I open it and see a long, silver necklace with a lightning bolt charm covered in diamonds. I cover my mouth and tear up a little.

"Do you like it?" He touches my knee and I nod my head.

"It's so beautiful. But, Brandon you can't afford this" Brandon was always taking extra shifts to get by.

"Don't worry about money. I save as much as I can. You deserve it. Here, let me put it on for you." He takes the necklace out of my hand and undoes the clasp. I turn around and pull my hair up with my hands. His soft fingers graze my neck as he puts it on me.

"Beautiful." He says staring at my necklace.

"Oh Brandon, I love it so much. Thank you, baby." I move toward him on the couch and hug him. I kiss him and he pulls back.

"Let's have champagne." He says and  hands me my glass. I take a sip and set it back on the table.

"You know, I should probably call Liv and Katie and tell them i won't be able to make it to dinner tonight. What time is it now?" I ask Brandon reaching for the landline.

"It's 2:30. Why can't you go to dinner? Am I forgetting something?" He asks nervously. Brandon hated forgetting important things .

"No, but I have a feeling we'll be too busy doing something else to make it to dinner on time." I wink and Brandon smiles.

"Oh is that so? And what might that be?" He replies coolly. He pulls me into him so my head is laying on his lap looking up at him. I make a flirty face, looking into his eyes.

"Whatever you want, Mr. Flowers." i adjust myself so I'm sitting in his lap, holding his face. I kiss him, holding nothing back. I love moments like these with Brandon, i feel so close and loved. He is a gentle man who makes me feel beautiful. I lift my shirt over my head and start unbuttoning his while still kissing. We stop kissing long enough to remove his belt and my shorts. And it starts.

 My first fanfiction. Don't judge! I'm still working on it!! Tell me what you think and tell your friends! :)

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