Chapter 2

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I ended up just inviting Liv and Katie over to Brandon's for dinner. There's a small, family owned diner on the strip that we always order take out from. After cleaning up the house a bit before they came over, Brandon and I cuddled on the couch and talked. He was playing with the ring on my index finger.

"One day, this ring will go on this finger." he said, taking a ring off my index finger and moving it to my ring finger.

I moved the ring back to my index finger and said, "But not for a really long time." Brandon had a curious expression on his face.

"What is it with you and marriage? You never want to talk about it. Is it that you don't want to get married, or that you don't want to marry me?" Brandon had hurt in is voice.

"Brandon, I love you. Don't ever think that I don't want to marry you. But I feel like I'm WAY too young to even think about a responsibility like that. Let's just leave it. We'll talk about it later." Whenever I say 'we'll talk later', it usually means that I'm uncomfortable and don't ever plan on bringing up the subject again.

"Natalie, I don't want to talk about it later. I just don't understand why you can love me and move into my house, but you won't marry me?!" As he was saying this I could hear Liv and Katie burst through the front door.

"Brandon, not now." I hissed, standing up.

"But, Natalie.." He said, leaning forward on the couch.

"Drop it." I whispered. I walked toward the kitchen.

Liv and Katie walked in holding the bags of take out. Katie was walking around the kitchen getting out plates and cups. Liv had  wide eyes and a worried look on her face.

"We're not walking in on anything are we?" Liv had a 6th sense for stuff like this.

i gave Brandon a tight lipped smile and said "No, we were just talking."

Brandon took a seat at the bar and rested his elbows on the counter.

"About what?" Katie asked, obviously not paying attention to the tension in the air.

"The future." Brandon said before I had a chance to answer. Katie stopped what she was doing and looked at me, obviously now aware of the fight they walked in on.

"Oh, well we brought your favorite movie if you want to watch it later." Katie says, trying to change the subject.

"You guys got Moulin Rouge? Awesome!" Brandon loved Moulin Rouge.

"Sorry, Bran. We brought American Beauty. Maybe Moulin next time?" Liv says, handing Brandon a beer.

"Oh,thanks." Brandon says, taking the beer.

"Not everyone loves musicals as much as you, Brandon." I say, a little harshly. I immediately regret it when I see a flash of pain across Brandon's face. I actually loved Moulin Rouge too, but I wasn't in the mood to agree with Brandon.

"So, Natalie, tell us about your show." Liv said, obviously trying to steer clear from any subject that might bring up a fight between Brandon and I.

"Show? What show?" Katie asked, wanting to be filled in on my latest ballet news.

"Its next thursday at 7 if guys want to come. I have a solo with Sam, my partner, to I Wanna Hold Your Hand." I said, answering the girls.

"Well, you must be proud of your girl, Brandon." Liv said to him, winking.

Brandon's eyes brighten as he pulls my hand, making me sit in his lap. "Oh, I am. I'm the proudest boyfriend in the whole world." he says wrapping his arms around my stomach. I lean down and kiss his lips, knowing I've been forgiven. That's what I love about Brandon, so forgivable, so easy to forgive.

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