Chapter 4

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I wave at Sam as I get out of my car. He gets out of his truck and started walking toward my car as I was getting the boxes out of the trunk.

"Here" he says, taking the boxes from my hands. 'I got it. You just open the door."

I lead him to the front door and hold the door as he walks in. i walk in after him and turn the lights to living room on. He sets the flattened out boxes on the ground and turns to look at me,

"Can I use the restroom real quick?" He asks me.

"Yeah, yeah it's right down there." I point to the door down the hallway and watch him make is way there. He shuts the door and I hear the click of the lock. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, looking for something we can eat. I see the styrofoam takeout box in the back with a note from Brandon scribbled on top with black marker. I smile thinking of him showing up at my door after midnight with takeout from my favorite 24 hour diner after we had one of our petty arguments.

"So where do you want to start?" Sam asks me, back from the bathroom.

'Let's start by putting the boxes together. Do you wanna a water?" I ask him, holding a bottle.

"Sure, thanks." He says as I throw it at him.

We sit on the floor in the living room in silence for a couple minutes before I stand up and say,

"This party could use some music." I walk over to my record player and pick up a record at random. "You like The Cure right?" i ask with my back to him.

"Ehh, what album?" He asks.

"Seventeen Seconds?" I say, reading the sleeve.

"Why not." He replies.

Another short update, I know! Please please please comment! I like knowing someone is reading this!

'Play For Today' comes on as I sit back on the ground. I sing along with the lyrics like I always do with Brandon.

                                           It's not a case of doing what's right

                                            It's just the way I feel that matters

                                                     Tell me I'm wrong

                                                      I don't really care

Sam looks at me and smiles.

"You have a really pretty voice, you know that? Everything about you is beautiful. You would make a great performer." He compliments me.

"Thanks, but I'm already a performer. Dancing has been my pasion since I was 9." I say, blushing.

Sam notices the flush on my face and reaches a hand to touch it.

"Aww, how cute, I make you blush." He says with smirk.

"You know what", I say standing up. "This music is a little too slow. Let's just listen to the radio." Just as I'm about to take the record off the record player, my cell phhone rings from the kitchen. I stop what I'm doing and answer it, seeing it's Brandon.

"Hi babe" I say shyly answering the phone. 3 years and he still gives me butterflies.

"Hello, Miss Atomic Bomb. How was rehearsal?"

"It was really good. I think I'm ready for Thursday.What are you doing? Are you on break?"

"Really? That's awesome. I can't wait to watch you perform. Yeah, I'm on breakk for the next few minutes. I just called to check in, see how the packing up is going."

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