B e \\ Y o u

16 1 0

let it go;

the words they say,

the looks they give,

the thoughts they have.

let it go.

be you.

don't worry about

what they say,

looks they give,

thoughts they have,

be true to you.

if you are loud,

be loud.

if you are sarcastic,

be sarcastic.

if you are shy,

be shy.

if you are weird

be weird.

instead of trying to change, 

focus on loving the you, you are.

you are beautiful.

you are loved.

let it go

be you.

everything will work out in the end,

trust in that and

let it go;

be you.

< < < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > > > 

Hey fellow bookworms!

 Always remember to be as you are because really that is enough. I have been going through a lot of new changes. For instance, I recently got a job in a world that is male dominated. I found myself second guessing everything I say, and how I look. I was becoming very critical of myself. I talked to my sister and mother a few days ago, and they helped me realize, "Hello. Why do I care what people think of me? I have so much fun being me. I am an awesome person." 

So, I decided to create this poem for anyone that is going through some changes and is feeling down . Don't be so critical of you. I know it's hard sometimes, but you are awesome and are deserving of every wonderful thing happening in your life. Let the bad wash off of you, and hold on to the good because you are you and that is awesome!

Love you guys!


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