13: Cereal, Laughs, & Harry Styles

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I woke up to the roar of the waves. Peeling open my eyes, I struggle to sit up. I blink, glancing around the empty room. It took me a while to fall asleep last night after all that thinking, but I eventually managed to. I slide off the bed, grabbing a pair of trousers off my suitcase and slipping them on as I stumble out of the room. The halls are silent expect for the faint sound of snores coming from a few of the rooms. I smirk to myself. And they say I snore...

Still a bit tired from just waking up, I drag myself downstairs and into the beach house’s kitchen. Normally I’d cook myself a breakfast but I just wasn’t feeling it. I dig through all of the cabinets until I come across a box of Fruity Pebbles. I’ve not once tried the cereal but I guess now’s the time. I grab the box and pour a large amount into a white bowl, placing it back before making my way towards the fridge. Prying it open, I snatch up the milk jug and go to pour some into my bowl.

All of the sudden the front door bursts open, startling me. The jug of milk slips from my hand and onto my cereal bowl. I manage to catch it before any milk spills, yet not fast enough because my bowl slides off the table and crashes onto the floor below. The colorful pebbles scatter across the floor and I swear I almost hear the shatter of the ceramic. Hopefully no one woke up. Liam's already grumpy in the mornings; I don't need to give him another reason to be.

"I'm so sorry!" A girly voice squeaks. "Did I scare you?" I bend over to pick up the mess, not making eye contact with Amber. What was she doing out, especially so early in the morning?

"I'll help." She offers and I listen as she patters over and kneels down in front of me. That's when I notice what she's wearing.

As my eyes slowly lift up to look at her, my mouth goes dry. She's sporting an electric blue bikini. Her blonde hair is curled again, falling around her face and shoulders in a graceful manner. It's pretty normal, nothing out there.

Expect for the fact being that it was the first time I've ever seen Amber in a bikini. I never imagined her body being so...so...

I lick my lips, a loss at both thoughts and words. What the bloody hell is happening to me?

"Are you going to help?" Amber speaks, breaking me out of my trance. "I may have been the reason, but I wasn't the one who dropped it." I quickly nod, returning to gather the small, colored pebbles.

"Why were you out so early?" I decide on asking, picking up the last few pieces and standing to toss them in the trash.

"I felt like taking a swim." Amber tells me, her face impassive. A swim? But she's not even wet.

"You're not even wet." I repeat aloud. Amber purses her lips, looking down at her hands.

"I didn't exactly get in the water."

A questioning look falls onto my face. She went swimming but didn't get into the water.

Therefore it wasn't swimming. What was it?

"I just wanted some fresh air, that's all." She mutters, brushing a blonde strand from her eyes.

"If you say so," I mutter, opening the fridge and placing the milk jug back inside. I wasn't hungry anymore. Amber sighs, a loud groan following.

"My father murmured something for the first time in years." Amber blurts, taking me by surprise.

I just stand there, not a clue as to what to say. Did she really trust me with her personal life again? Why me? She hates me, so why me?

"He could wake up anytime. I want to be there in Holmes Chapel when he does...but, I'm not." Amber gulps, frustratingly running a hand through her blonde hair. "I just...can't get my mind of it. I miss him so much." Her voice cracks but she doesn't breakdown. She keeps control, evading my eyes.

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