5. Wake Up

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One night I decided to sleep upstairs on the couch, I don't remember why, but I'm glad i did.

After I fell asleep, I heard this strange noise.

Vapes make a certain hissing noise when you push a button down to inhale the "smoke,"

As I was sleeping I saw my dad's vape machine in my sight on my dream and there was smoke all around it. It continued to make that hissing noise. As time went on, the noise was getting louder and louder.

Then i woke up all of a sudden, for no reason, to hear the same noise. I look over and his mod was smoking.

My dad had left one of his vape mod thingys out on the table, which is the dining room, which is right next to the living room where I had fallen asleep.

I walked over and grabbed it, but dropped it immediately because it was bloody hot. I quickly unscrewed the top off of it, and luckily that was what was wrong with it. The wiring was screwy and it triggered the button to be "held down."

I just think, if I hadn't been there to turn it off, it might have overheated more and possibly have exploded.
Maybe, maybe not.

I just find it wild I envisioned it in my my dream and woke up knowing something was wrong.

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