Chapter 13

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I was just finishing the club books when there was a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone and it was early morning, so I was surprised anyone was up at this hour. The boys normally stay up late and sleep in.

"Come in."

Leigh was dressed in dirty jeans, a tank top and his leather vest over top. His big thick boots stomped on the old floor.

"We are on lock down. So that means you're staying here." He crossed his arms. "No school, no leaving the clubhouse."


"Club Business."

"I'm not a member or a whore, so I want an answer." I arched my eyebrows and put my pen down. "Now."

Leigh reached into his vest and pulled out a cigarette  "You live here, you live on my terms and I'm telling you, you aren't leaving- got it?"

I knew living here I would have to follow what he said. But that didn't mean I was happy about it.

"Fine I won't leave." I put my hands up. "You have my word."

He looked at me a bit longer before nodding his head. "Good. You finished with the books?"

"Yeah I am."

"I'll take them to Saxon." Leigh put a hand out for them and I was honestly relieved. I didn't want to see Saxon.


"No worries. And one other thing."


"Stay away from Saxon."

Nerves bubbled up in my stomach, did he know something? "Um ok, why?"

"Just stay away from him."


He left and I was back on my own. I guess that meant no school. Great. What was I going to do being stuck here by myself? I wondered what Saxon was going through. Was it Libby? Or was it club business? Maybe the reason we are on lock down in the first place.


I was sitting on one of the picnic smoking a joint while listening to Ice and Anderson argue over some girl.

"I'm telling you she did."

"And I'm telling you I don't care." Anderson fired back.

"Who is this chick anyway?" I asked handing the joint over to Ice.

Ice smirked. "Anderson's girlfriend."

"But you slept with her!" I whacked his arm.

"Not my fault the man doesn't want to put a claim on her."

Anderson was glaring at Ice the whole time. "I'm telling you she isn't my girl!"

"Clearly if she is rooting other people." I muttered.

Our conversation came to stop when the club house door burst open and out stormed Libby with a suit casse.

"Just fuck off Saxon."

Sure enough Saxon came out behind her.

"Libby you can't just leave."

"Why because YOU don't want me too? Or because your stupid club is in trouble?" She huffed.

"I'm not letting you leave when you know darn well shit is messed up right now."

"So let me get this straight, you don't love me but YOU don't want ME to get killed. Great to know you do still care somewhat about me."

The whole club was outside now, just watching it unfold. It wasn't every day you saw Saxon get yelled at. He normally does the yelling.

"Libby please?" He reached out for her but she slapped his hand away.

"No Saxon. As far as I'm concerned you don't love me. So why would I stay. For fuck sake you said it!"

"I don't want you to get killed Libby."

"And I won't because as far as I'm concerned I have no connection to this club. Now open up the darn gates so I can drive away."


"You know this whole time, I knew you had someone else."

My stomach dropped and twisted. Fuck. He didn't tell her did he?

"Libby I'm not letting you leave."

She dropped her suitcase. "I'm leaving this shit whole, even if that means I'll drive through the fence."

Saxon went quiet, you could tell how anger he was. I was surprised steam wasn't coming out his ears.

"Ice open the gate." Saxon glanced at us and our eyes connected for a spilt second and I knew in that spilt second, he was doing this to keep his word to me.

"Righto boss." Ice got up and started to walk to the gate while Libby picked up her suitcase and went to her car.

Saxon followed her "Libby I don't want you to leave like this."

"Well too bad Saxon, you decided we would end like this when you picked a cheap whore over me." She slammed the door in his face.

I knew Saxon was a very private person so right now, he would be dying on the inside. Even worse when someone wasn't listening to him and Libby really didn't care what Saxon thought.

We all watched her drive out and we all watched Saxon stand there, watching until the gate closed back again.

What was he thinking?

Was he regretting it?

I guess he kept his word. Libby had driven out the lot and now, well now I didn't know what would happen. But I knew being on lock down, me not being able to leave- and things were going to get messy.

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