Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


Things were a bit off, with George not working. They were struggling and it was starting to affect Bucky. He was getting more aggressive with teachers, other students, neighbors, and anyone else who decided to interact with him, all except for Steve and his family.

"If Dad doesn't find a job soon," Bucky told Steve on the way home from school one day, "I'll have to find something. I heard people will hire kids and pay them half what they're supposed to under the table just to have enough workers to keep their businesses running."

Steve shook his head and sighed. "I just wish you didn't have to do that. You shouldn't have to grow up so fast. You're only twelve, 'bout to be thirteen. It's not really fair to you if you have to give up your childhood."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Stevie, that doesn't matter! If I need to do this for my family, then I will!" Bucky stuffed his hands in his pockets with a huff.

Steve patted Bucky's shoulder. "I know you will because you're a good person. You always do what you think is right."

"That's because you taught me how to," Bucky said before he could stop himself. A strong blush crept up both of their cheeks as silence fell around them. Before Steve could say anything, a boy pushed him down as he passed. His laughter echoed as he kept walking. Bucky mumbled a couple of curses and pushed past Steve, racing after the boy.

Steve was frozen in place as Bucky tackled the boy to the ground. Bucky's fist raised and fell repeatedly onto the boy's face. "Don't ever touch Steve again. Hear me?" Steve rushed over to the boys and grabbed Bucky's arm. Bucky shook him off, punching with his other arm.

"Buck, c'mon. We have to get home. Stop it, Buck." Steve tried his best to pull his friend off of the boy, but he wasn't strong enough. He pulled and tugged, begging Bucky to get off the kid.

Suddenly, a man rushed towards them and picked Bucky up and off the boy. "Knock it off, you two." He pushed Bucky away and helped the boy up.

Bucky stormed off, his jaw set and his shoulders pulled back. Steve chased after him, wheezing just a little. "Buck, slow down!" He called, his chest tightening just a little. He needed to stop, but he didn't want to leave Bucky like this. So he bolted, finally catching up. "Bucky," Steve wheezed out, "slow down, please?"

A curse fell from Bucky's lips as he helped Steve sit down on one of the steps. "I'm sorry, Stevie. I should have waited and slowed down. I'm sorry," Bucky told him as he rubbed his back gently.

"It's okay. I was worried 'bout you, though." Steve took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "You seemed really mad back there. I don't think I've ever seen you that mad over something so small."

"The only small thing about this situation is you, punk." Bucky chuckled a little as Steve smiled. "That kid shouldn't have run into you like that. It wasn't an accident, we both know that for sure. I don't care if they're poking you or beating you, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you. Understand?" Steve nodded.

"Thanks Buck."

"'Course." They started to walk again, Bucky slinging an arm over Steve's shoulders. "This would all be resolved, you know, if you'd gain a couple pounds."

"Shut up, ya jerk."


Things weren't looking up for the Barnes. They ended up with an eviction notice and the bank kicked them out. Sarah Rogers welcomed them with open arms, her house big enough for all of them. The kids would stay in Steve's room (two in his bed and two in the cot Sarah bought) and George and a very pregnant Winifred stayed in the guest room. Sarah found a small job at the hospital for George after a week of them staying. It was enough to pay for little things like groceries and toiletries, but it was only a quarter of the rent. He helped Sarah pay anyways, giving half of it to her for letting them stay and helping with the house maintenance.

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